Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Magnetic resonance scans should replace biopsies for the diagnosis of diffuse brain stem gliomas: a report from the Children's Cancer Group.
Children's Cancer Group Protocol CCG-9882 was designed to determine the effectiveness of hyperfractionated radiation for the treatment of children and young adults with brain stem gliomas. The study opened for the accrual of patients on September 21, 1988, and was closed on June 30, 1991. The first 54 children in the study were treated with irradiation doses of 100 cGy given twice daily to a total dosage of 7200 cGy. ⋯ Cerebrospinal fluid shunts were inserted in 27 (23%) of the children; insertion of a shunt was the only operation in 11, and a shunt was inserted in conjunction with a tumor operation in 16. Tumor operations were performed in 45 (38%) of the patients; 24 had stereotactic biopsies, and 21 had craniotomies. Of the 21 patients who had craniotomies, only biopsies were performed in 11; partial tumor resections were performed in 5 patients and subtotal resection in 5.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This report presents a brief overview of the medical and ethical issues involved with the procurement, preparation, safety, efficacy, and subject protection of human fetal central nervous system tissue in the context of neural transplantation. The ethical perspectives from which to view the clinical use of fetal tissue include the following: 1) that fetal tissue from elective abortions is a surgical specimen; 2) that the use of such tissue involves fetal experimentation in which the fetus is a subject; and 3) that fetal tissue is considered as a cadaveric organ specimen, similar to other organs, but with special considerations compared with adult cadaveric tissue. ⋯ Additional issues include the following: 1) the safety and quality of fetal tissue for implantation; 2) the hypothesis that "legitimization" and "redemption" (potentially positive effects of tissue donation in general) may lead to an increase in elective abortion rates; 3) the ethical issues of the validity and value of human experimentation involving neural grafting; and 4) the type of consent to be obtained and the appropriate timing. Elective abortions, however, probably will continue to be the primary source of fetal tissue for grafting for some time, until other tissue sources become available.
The authors review the surgical management of nine complex paraclinoid aneurysms treated with the endovascular balloon catheter technique. With the patient under general anesthesia, the balloon catheter was guided into the feeding artery of the aneurysm by the Seldinger technique. After the aneurysm was exposed, the balloon was inflated temporarily to prevent premature rupture and to facilitate the dissection of the aneurysm. ⋯ An embolectomy was performed immediately, and there were no postoperative sequelae. We conclude that the combined endovascular and neurosurgical approach, particularly for the large ICA aneurysms, which are difficult to control proximally, can be a useful method of treatment. To prevent complications related to thrombus formation, further refinement in the balloon catheter itself is still needed.
Brain retraction is required for adequate exposure during many intracranial procedures. The incidence of contusion or infarction from overzealous brain retraction is probably 10% in cranial base procedures and 5% in intracranial aneurysm procedures. The literature on brain retraction injury is reviewed, with particular attention to the use of intermittent retraction. ⋯ Recommendations for operative management of cases involving significant brain retraction are made. These recommendations optimize the following goals: anesthesia and metabolic depression, improvement in cerebral blood flow and calcium channel blockade, intraoperative monitoring, and operative exposure and retraction efficacy. Through a combination of judicious retraction, appropriate anesthetic and pharmacological management, and aggressive intraoperative monitoring, brain retraction should become a much less common source of morbidity in the future.
We prospectively and retrospectively reviewed a series of 780 patients who presented to the University of Southern California/Los Angeles County Medical Center with a diagnosis of gunshot wound to the brain during an 8-year period. Of these, 105 were children ranging in age from 6 months to 17 years. Injuries were gang related in 76 (72%) children and adolescents. ⋯ The Department of Neurological Surgery is becoming directly involved in providing information to children at the junior high school level regarding gang activity and brain and spinal cord injury. In conjunction with the Community Youth Gang Services Organization and Think First Organization, we are attempting to integrate prevention through education and community mobilization. This is a plan aimed at informing and recovering the youth affected by gangs.