Although surgery followed by radiation effectively treats metastatic epidural compression, the ideal surgical approach should enable fast recovery and rapid institution of radiation and systemic therapy directed at the primary tumor. ⋯ cEBRT, conventional external beam radiation therapyESCC, epidural spinal cord compressionSLITT, spinal laser interstitial thermotherapySSRS, stereotactic spinal radiosurgeryVAS, visual analog scale.
Various definitions of pseudo-occlusion and clinical outcomes after various treatments have been reported, but reports discussing the stenotic characteristics of pseudo-occlusion are rare. ⋯ CAS, carotid artery stentingICA, internal carotid artery.
Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) of brain tumors provides information about neoplastic vasculature and intratumoral micro- and macrobleedings. Low- and high-grade gliomas can be distinguished by SWI due to their different vascular characteristics. Fractal analysis allows for quantification of these radiological differences by a computer-based morphological assessment of SWI patterns. ⋯ FD, fractal dimensionSR, signal ratioSWI, susceptibility-weighted imaging.
Although real-time localization of gliomas has improved with intraoperative image guidance systems, these tools are limited by brain shift, surgical cavity deformation, and expense. ⋯ 5-ALA, 5-aminolevulinic acidEPR, enhanced permeability and retentionFDA, Food and Drug AdministrationGBM, glioblastomaICG, indocyanine greenNIR, near-infraredNPV, negative predictive valuePPV, positive predictive valueROC, receiver operating characteristicROI, region of interestSBR, signal-to-background ratioWHO, World Health Organization.