Considerable variability exists in the cost of surgery following spine surgery for common degenerative spine diseases. This variation in the cost of surgery can affect the payment bundling during the postoperative 90 d. ⋯ Utilizing prospectively collected data, we demonstrate that considerable variation exists in total 90-d cost, nearly 70% of which can be explained by those factors included in our modeling. Risk-adjusted payment schemes can be crafted utilizing the significant drivers presented here. Focused interventions to target some of the modifiable factors have potential to reduce cost and increase the value of care.
Stress is associated with increased risk of stroke and might predispose to presence and rupture of intracranial aneurysms. ⋯ For some components of stress, there may be a relation with UIA and ASAH. The mechanisms underlying this relation should be unraveled; strategies to improve coping with stress may reduce the risk of rupture in patients with unruptured aneurysms.
Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a challenging condition that lacks a curative treatment. In selected patients, spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has provided a satisfactory outcome. ⋯ SCS can provide a good outcome in the treatment of FBSS. Patient selection could be further improved by developing novel predictive biomarkers.
Pituitary adenomas are among the most common primary brain tumors. Recently, overlapping surgery has been curbed in many institutions because of the suggestion there might be more significant adverse events, despite several studies showing that complication rates are equivalent. ⋯ The results of this study offer additional evidence that overlapping surgery does not result in worsened complications, lengthened surgery, or increased patient cost for patients undergoing transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenomas. Thus, studies and policy aiming to improve patient safety and cost should focus on optimizing other aspects of healthcare delivery.
Within randomized clinical trials (RCTs), coiling of the ruptured aneurysm to prevent rebleeding results in better outcomes than clipping in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). ⋯ In clinical practice, coiling after aSAH is associated with higher 14-d case-fatality than clipping and nonsuperior outcomes at 90 d. Both options need to be considered in aSAH patients. Further studies should address the reasons for the discrepancy between current data and those from the RCTs.