⋯ Patients with os odontoideum, either with or without C1--C2 instability, who have neither symptoms nor neurological signs may be managed with clinical and radiographic surveillance. Patients with os odontoideum, particularly with neurological symptoms and/or signs, and C1--C2 instability may be managed with posterior C1--C2 internal fixation and fusion. Postoperative halo immobilization as an adjunct to posterior internal fixation and fusion is recommended unless successful C1--C2 transarticular screw fixation and fusion can be accomplished. Occipitocervical fusion with or without C1 laminectomy may be considered in patients with os odontoideum who have irreducible cervicomedullary compression and/or evidence of associated occipitoatlantal instability. Transoral decompression may be considered in patients with os odontoideum who have irreducible ventral cervicomedullary compression.
⋯ Treatment with internal fixation and arthrodesis using one of a variety of methods is recommended. Traction may be used in the management of patients with atlanto-occipital dislocation, but it is associated with a 10% risk of neurological deterioration.
⋯ Treatment of patients with acute spinal cord injuries with GM-1 ganglioside is recommended as an option without demonstrated clinical benefit.