Glioblastoma with multiple localizations (mGBMs) can be defined as multifocal, where enhancing lesions present a connection visible on magnetic resonance imaging fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging, or multicentric, in the absence of a clear dissemination pathway. ⋯ Our study suggests that EOR may positively influence survival of patients with mGBM. Surgical resection can be a reasonable option when performance and access to adjuvant treatment can be preserved.
There have been few improvements in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt technology since John Holter introduced the silicon valve, with overdrainage remaining a major source of complications. ⋯ Shunt valves are prone to gravity-dependent overdrainage, which has motivated the development of gravitational valves and antisiphon devices. This study shows that overdrainage is not limited to the vertical position but that pulse pressures that simulate rhythmic (eg, cardiac) and provoked (eg, Valsalva) physiological CSF pulsations increase outflow in both the horizontal and vertical positions and are dependent on compliance. A deeper understanding of the physiological parameters that affect intracranial pressure and flow through shunt systems is prerequisite to the development of novel valves.