Research in nursing & health
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed healthcare professionals to suffering and stressful working conditions. The aim of this study was to analyze professional quality of life among healthcare professionals and its relationship with empathy, resilience, and self-compassion during the COVID-19 crisis in Spain. ⋯ A multivariate regression analysis and a decision tree were used to identify the variables associated with professional quality of life. Empathy, resilience, and mindfulness were the main predictors of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burnout, respectively.
Canada is currently in the midst of an overdose crisis. With new and innovative approaches desperately needed, injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) should be considered as an integral treatment option to prevent even more fatalities. These programs provide injectable diacetylmorphine or hydromorphone to clients with severe opioid use disorders. ⋯ Further, four themes were identified within the literature: (1) physical and mental health, (2) illicit drug use, (3) criminal behavior, and (4) ethical considerations. Recommendations surrounding the need for additional studies that focus on the perspectives of people who use opioids (PWUO), the necessity of nursing advocacy in iOAT, and the consideration of a changing illicit drug supply were explored. Further, theoretical analysis coupled with direct input from PWUO was discussed as a necessity to move forward with iOAT.
Multicenter Study
Evaluation of the Arabic version of the Chronic Pain Grade scale: Psychometric properties.
To increase our understanding of chronic pain in clinical and research contexts, an assessment of its dimensions using reliable and valid self-reported pain measures is imperative. However, well-validated Arabic chronic pain assessment scales are lacking. The Chronic Pain Grade (CPG) scale has been used worldwide, yet an Arabic version of the CPG scale has not yet been validated. ⋯ This study provides evidence that the Arabic CPG scale is a reliable and valid measure of chronic pain dimensions, including pain intensity, and pain-related disability. This Arabic version of the CPG scale has the potential to expand research and clinical assessment in the Arab world. Future studies are required for further validation.
Clinicians and researchers need valid and reliable instruments to evaluate heart failure (HF) self-care. The Self-Care of Heart Failure Index (SCHFI) is a theoretically driven instrument developed for this purpose. The SCHFI measures self-care with three scales: self-care maintenance, measuring behaviors to maintain HF stability; symptom perception, measuring monitoring behaviors; and self-care management, assessing the response to symptoms. ⋯ Internal consistency reliability estimated with Cronbach's α and composite reliability ranged between .73 and .88; test-retest reliability ranged between 0.73 and 0.92. Construct validity was supported with significant correlations between the SCHFI v.7.2 scale scores and quality of life, brain natriuretic peptide levels and NYHA class. This study further supports the psychometric characteristics of the SCHFI v.7.2, illustrating that it can be used in clinical practice and research also in an Italian population.