Irish journal of medical science
Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterised by low bone density and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. It is a silent disease. It is the result of the negative balance between bone formation and bone resorption, i.e. more bone is lost than is formed. ⋯ Peak bone mass is determined by sex, heredity family history, race, diet and exercise. Sixty per cent of bone growth occurs during adolescence. Moderate exercise protects against osteoporosis, but too little or excessive exercise may cause osteoporosis.
Scientific merit and clarity are critical in evaluation of quality in research. We hypothesised that avoidable errors of presentation adversely impact on abstract selection for scientific meetings. ⋯ Succinct presentation may reflect clarity of focus or increased writing experience. Reviewers favour concise abstracts. Concise presentation and timely submission are easily achieved and increase the likelihood of research acceptance for scientific meetings.
Injecting drug users are at high risk of acquiring blood-borne infections. Ireland has had a harm reduction policy of methadone maintenance and needle exchange since 1992. ⋯ A standardised written protocol for screening for blood-borne viruses and for immunisation against hepatitis B in methadone service attendees was clearly needed, and was subsequently introduced by the Eastern Region Health Authority.
Most patients with cancer prefer to die at home but the majority die in institutions. ⋯ The majority of people fail to achieve a home death. Resources need to be targeted to those most at risk of an institutional death; females, the elderly, the unmarried, those with haematological malignancies and residents of South Belfast.