Irish journal of medical science
Urological service provision has changed dramatically with the advent of the SARS-CoV-2, necessitating restructuring and reorganization. The aim of this study was to review the reorganization of our unit, map the change in volume of departmental activities and discuss potential solutions. ⋯ Compared with 2019, we performed fewer operations and outpatient procedures, had fewer admissions and diagnosed fewer patients with new cancers. However, outsourcing elective operation to designated non-COVID hospitals prevented the infection of any patient with COVID-19 in the post-operative period. The use of virtual clinic and telephone clinic has had some success in replacing traditional outpatient visits. The overall significant decrease in operative volume will likely precipitate a mismatch between demand and service provision in the coming months, unless capacity is increased.
COVID-19 required rapid innovation in health systems, in the context of an infection which placed healthcare professionals at high risk; general practice has been a key component of that innovative response. In Ireland, GPs were asked to work in a network of community assessment hubs. A focused training programme in infection control procedures/clinical use of personal protective equipment (PPE) was rapidly developed in advance. University departments of general practice were asked to develop and deliver that training. ⋯ Academic departments, GPs and the Irish health system collaborated effectively to respond to the need for community assessment of COVID-19 patients.
Crohn's disease (CD) primarily involves gastrointestinal tract; however, it can present with extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs), which leads to significant morbidity. Frequency of EIMs and associated risk factors vary due to genetic and environmental differences in studies. ⋯ Although the immunological and clinical associations between EIMs and CD cannot be fully elucidated, identifying specific relationships of immune-mediated diseases will help to better understand CD pathogenesis.
Irish Travellers are a marginalised ethnic minority with poor health outcomes, especially in mental health: the suicide rate in this population is 6-7 times that in the general population. There is a paucity of research into associated clinical risk factors including self-harm and mental illnesses. ⋯ This study shows that there is a significant overrepresentation of Travellers in mental health services, suggesting significant need for accessible and acceptable interventions. Those with a BPD diagnosis have a significantly higher risk of self-harm, representing an ultra-high-risk population. These findings can be used to plan future service development projects to better meet the needs of this population: they may require specially adapted version of the mentalisation-based treatment programme.