Irish journal of medical science
The prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is increasing globally. An increase in PAD in an ageing population inevitably results in an increase in incidence of Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (CLTI). Loss of a limb is a life-changing event with immeasurable cost to the individual, while the potential financial benefit of saving a limb is not well documented. ⋯ Revascularisation surgical interventions are more expensive than amputation, however, the length of stay, rehabilitation and prosthetic limb costs, for a patient undergoing a major limb amputation, is significantly more costly.
Intensive care unit acquired-weakness syndrome (ICUAWS) leaves several complications in functional movements of patients such as severe walking disability. ⋯ In conclusion, IMT improves functional outcomes in ICUAWS patients with walking disability.
Advancements continue to be made in the development of medicines containing components of the Cannabis sativa L. plant. Consultants can prescribe specific cannabis-based products for a restricted set of indications in Ireland, with neurologists being at the forefront of therapy. Much debate on the therapeutic potential/efficacy of such cannabis-based products exists. ⋯ Data presented herein indicates that the majority of neurologists surveyed are aware of the current systems in place to access cannabis-based products for medicinal use in Ireland and that some engagement with these systems has taken place. A key finding is that educational programmes on the cannabinoid system and cannabis-based medicines are required.
Diabetic patients frequently face difficulty in identifying and adhering to dietary regimen, including its quality and quantity. This study assessed the knowledge and attitude to dietary regimen among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Delta State University Teaching Hospital, Oghara, as implication for glycemic control. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the knowledge on dietary regimen, assess the attitude to dietary regimen among diabetic patients, and determine the relationship between the knowledge and attitude to dietary regimen among diabetic patients. ⋯ It therefore shows that although there is high knowledge base on dietary regimen, diabetic patients often find difficulty in adhering to the prescribed regimen. Hence, it is important that measures to promote positive attitude to dietary regimen among diabetic patients be devised to enhance management outcomes.