Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões
The World Health Organization recognized in March 2020 the existence of a pandemic for the new coronavirus that appeared in China, in late 2019, and whose disease was named COVID-19. In this context, the SBAIT (Brazilian Society of Integrated Care for Traumatized Patients) conducted a survey with 219 trauma and emergency surgeons regarding the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the role of the surgeon in this pandemic by means of an electronic survey. ⋯ The latter increases the risk of contamination of professionals, resulting in potential losses in the working teams. Immediate measures must be taken to guarantee access to safety equipment throughout the country, since all trauma victims and/or patients with emergency surgical conditions must be treated as potential carriers of COVID-19.
Prioritizing surgical procedures aims at facilitating patient's access according to the clinical needs, maximizing access equity, and minimizing the damage from delayed access. Previous categorization of elective bariatric surgery have been adapted to define an objective prioritizing system that reflects those principles for bariatric and metabolic operations. Given the factors that contribute to the morbidity and mortality of obese and type 2 diabetes patients, surgical prioritization should be based on clinical risk stratification. ⋯ Likewise, it is necessary to guide the surgical team regarding the necessary care both in the pre, per and postoperative periods of bariatric and metabolic surgery. These recommendations aim to reduce the risk of in-hospital contamination of the surgical team among health professionals and between health professionals and patients. In summary, these recommendations have been shaped after a thorough analysis of the available literature and are extremely important to mitigate the harm related to the clinical complications of obesity and its comorbidities while keeping healthcare providers' and patients' safety.
Over one million cases of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been confirmed worldwide, with the death toll exceeding 50,000 people. An important issue to be addressed concerns the exposure of health professionals to this new virus. ⋯ However, there is no specific guidance on how to proceed in cases of need for chest tubes in patients with positive COVID-19 active air leak. The objective of this work is to assist surgeons of the most diverse specialties during the chest drainage of a patient with COVID-19 and to avoid a risk of contamination to the professional and the environment.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in a high number of hospital admissions and some of those patients need ventilatory support in intensive care units. The viral pneumonia secondary to Sars-cov-2 infection may lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and longer mechanical ventilation needs, resulting in a higher demand for tracheostomies. Due to the high aerosolization potential of such procedure, and the associated risks of staff and envoirenment contamination, it is necesseray to develop a specific standardization of the of the whole process involving tracheostomies. This manuscript aims to demonstrate the main steps of the standardization created by a tracheostomy team in a tertiary hospital dedicated to providing care for patients with COVID-19.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of preoperative fasting abbreviation with carbohydrate and protein solution on postoperative symptoms of gynecological surgeries: double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial.
to investigate the effects of preoperative fasting abbreviation, a recommendation of Postoperative Accelerated Total Recovery protocol (ACERTO protocol), on postoperative symptoms of patients undergoing gynecological surgeries. ⋯ the abbreviation of preoperative fasting with carbohydrate- and protein-containing liquid before gynecological surgeries reduces thirst, hunger, pain, agitation, and favors greater satisfaction and well-being than inert solution ingestion.