Journal of ethnopharmacology
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that depression syndrome has become one of the core pathogenesis of insomnia. The pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine points out that Perilla frutescens has the effect of regulating Qi and relieving depression, promoting Qi circulation to relieve pain, so Perilla frutescens may have the potential therapeutic effect on insomnia. Related studies have reported the sedative and hypnotic effects of Perilla frutescens, but these studies have not yet explored the mechanism of sedative and hypnotic effects of Perilla frutescens essential oil (PFEO) through inhalation administration. ⋯ The inhalation of PFEO has sedative and hypnotic effects, which reduce significantly the autonomic activity of PCPA insomnia mice, increase falling asleep rate, shorten latency of sleeping time, and prolong duration of sleeping time; the results of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay show that PFEO increase the content of 5-HT and GABA in hypothalamus and cerebral cortex. The results showed that inhalation of PFEO increase the expression of GABAAα1 and GABAAα2 positive cells, increase the level of GABAAα1 and GABAAα2 protein and also increase the level of GABAAα1 mRNA and GABAAα2 mRNA in the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex. The highest content of PFEO is Perillaldehyde (54.37%), followed by 1,4-Cineole (7.42%), Acetaldehyde diethyl acetal (6.61%), D-Limonene (5.09%), Eucalyptol (4.94%), etc. CONCLUSION: The inhalation of PFEO has sedative and hypnotic effects, it is speculated that the mechanism of which may be the sedative and hypnotic effects through the GABAergic pathway.
Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl, a well-known traditional Chinese medicinal herb used in the treatment of gastric disease, is distinguished as the first of the "nine immortal grasses". Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl and the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions containing Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl are often prescribed clinically to treat chronic gastritis and precancerous lesions of gastric cancer (PLGC), showing favorable clinical effects and medicinal value in the prevention of gastric cancer. However, the effective ingredients and pharmacological mechanisms through which Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl prevents and treats PLGC have not been adequately identified or interpreted. ⋯ This study explained the positive characteristics of multi-component, multi-target, and multi-approach intervention with Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl in the treatment of PLGC. Our results suggest that Erianin may be a promising candidate in the development of prevention and treatment methods for PLGC. This study provided experimental evidence for the clinical use of Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl to treat PLGC and prevent gastric cancer.
Esophageal cancer, as a high incidence of gastrointestinal cancer, has an indelible impact on human life and health. The combination of Chinese herbal injections and chemotherapy is commonly applied in the treatment of Esophageal cancer. ⋯ In this study, network meta-analysis was applied to confirm that Compound Kushen Injection has a curative effect on esophageal cancer and is superior to other anti-tumor Chinese herbal injections. Combined with the network pharmacology and in vitro experiment, the mechanism of Compound Kushen Injection inhibiting the proliferation of esophageal cancer cells by regulating the abnormal expression of EGFR and AURKA was revealed.
Review Historical Article
From forest to pharmacy: should we be depressed about a sustainable Griffonia simplicifolia (Fabaceae) seed supply chain?
Griffonia simplicifolia D.C (Baill.) (Fabaceae) seeds are unusually high (6-20% wet weight) in 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), a serotonin precursor widely used to treat depression. Consequently, this species is regarded as a herbal "Prozac®". Contemporary use as an anti-depressant contrasts with traditional uses for insecticides, arachnicides, fodder, dyes, mordants and chewing-sticks. G. simplicifolia seeds are wild-harvested for the export trade. Over the past 15 years, use of 5-HTP extracted from G. simplicifolia in cosmetics has added to global demand. Wild populations in West Africa are the sole commercial source of G. simplicifolia seed. ⋯ s: Wild G. simplicifolia populations have been the focus of commercial harvest of their pods (for seeds) for international trade from West Africa for almost 50 years. In the late 1980's, when Ghana exported 75-80 metric tonnes (MT) of G. simplicifolia seed to Europe, this species was already Ghana's main medicinal plant export. Currently, 5 West African countries export G. simplicifolia seeds (Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo). Although in the 1980's, most seed exports were to Europe, today China is the main importer of G. simplicifolia seed. These seeds are value-added for production of 5-HTP extracts, and then re-exported, particularly to North America (c.48% of exports). The low habitat specificity and vigorous re-sprouting of G. simplicifolia after cutting, plus its occurrence in forest reserves and national parks confer some resilience on wild populations. Sustaining future supply chains faces six future challenges, however: (1) Rapid loss of forest habitats; (2) Declining populations of understorey birds and disruption of G. simplicifolia pollination in this bird pollinated species; (3) Negative effects of introduced invasive plant species (Broussonetia papyrifera, Chromolaena odorata) on G. simplicifolia regeneration; (4) Grazing by livestock and use of G. simplicifolia leaves as forage; (5) The long-term impact of industrial scale seed "predation": Over a 9-year period (2005-2013), G. simplicifolia exports from Ghana totalled at least 5550 metric tonnes (or between 9.1 billion to 13.5 billion seeds). This could affect the long-term population dynamics of this species, which produces a low number of seeds per pod (1-4 seeds) and has short distance (ballistic) seed dispersal; and (6) Destructive harvest methods, when plants are cut to harvest get the seed pods. Improved resource management, monitoring, quality control and careful pricing are important if supply chains from wild stocks are to be maintained. If wild populations decline, then 5-HTP biosynthesis may compete with low G. simplicifolia seed yields, leading to loss of income to West African harvesters and traders.
Ephedra sinica Stapf is a widely used folk medicine in Asia to treat lung diseases, such as cold, cough and asthma. Many efforts have revealed that some traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescriptions containing Ephedra sinica could effectively alleviate the symptoms and prevent the fatal deterioration of COVID-19. ⋯ These findings suggested that quinoline-2-carboxylic acids in Ephedra sinica could be considered as potential therapeutic agents for COVID-19. Further, this study provided some justification for the ethnomedicinal use of Ephedra sinica for COVID-19.