Journal of ethnopharmacology
Nepeta is a multiregional genus of the "Lamiaceae" (Labiatae or Mint) family. Species of Nepeta are a valuable part of traditional medicine and used extensively, particularly in the Himalayan region of India (Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Leh-Ladakh), Pakistan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwaand Pakistani Kashmir), Nepal (Baglund district), also in China and hilly regions of Turkey and Iran. Nepeta species are extensively used as a remedy against a variety of ailments and conditions like chicken pox, tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, influenza, measles, stomach disorders, eye complaints, respiratory disorders, asthma, colds, coughs etc. AIM OF THE REVIEW: The main aim of this review is to present a comprehensive and detailed study on traditional uses, pharmacology, phytochemistry, toxicology of Nepeta species and suggest future direction on the design and conduct of various preparations, either alone or in blends with prevailing conventional remedies. The review also emphasizes encouraging researchers towards the wide range of pharmaceutical applications of the various species of Nepeta for their better use and exploration in the future. ⋯ The species of the genus Nepeta contains a rich source of various bioactive compounds, which are well tolerated as traditional medicines. In fact, different species of Nepeta are widely used in a variety of traditional medicinal systems all around the world. Owing to the variety of pharmacological properties of Nepeta species, more comprehensive and inclusive clinical trials are necessary for the utilization of different Nepeta species against the treatment of a wide range of ailments. There are also various other uses such as food, cosmetic and agriculture that can be investigated or explored in future. Some of the major domains that can be explored within this genus are the investigation of different species for their unexplored biological potential, isolation and characterization of new bioactive constituents and finally, investigation of new applications and possible commercialization of these bioactive leads. No doubt, there are various viable research domains outside those discussed above, but presently for the purposes of this review we will only emphasize the activities herein.
Phytochemical and biological activities of Pinus halepensis mill., and their ethnomedicinal use.
Pinus halepensis Mill., is a Mediterranean medicinal plant with numerous traditional applications such as anti-scarring, antiseptic, astringent, antifungal, and anti-tuberculosis. It is used against diarrhea, wounds, rheumatism, cough, gastrointestinal illnesses, hypertension, and hemorrhoids. ⋯ In vitro and in vivo investigations of P. halepensis Mill., extracts and essential oils showed interesting pharmacological activities supporting the traditional use of this species. Previous reports indicated that P. halepensis Mill., extracts and their constituents exhibited potent antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, protective, anticoagulant, anti-hemolytic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Further investigation is needed to reveal the full biological spectra of P. halepensis Mill., extracts and essential oils (using in vivo models) and to validate their industrial applications as a food additive. However, in-depth studies are required to investigate the biological properties and molecular mechanisms of P. halepensis Mill., secondary metabolites in the management of diabetes mellitus and the prevention of the neurodegenerative disorders development such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Studies exploring pharmacological effects of P. halepensis Mill., bioactive components such as the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic drugs are required to validate the clinical use of these molecules. The safety of P. halepensis Mill., and its bioactive compounds should be also investigated by carrying out further pharmacokinetic and toxicological experiments.
Numerous common pharmaceuticals, including anti-cancer, antiviral and antidiabetic drugs, are derived from traditional plant-derived medicines. With approximately 25,000 species of flora occurring in Australia that are adapted to the harsh environment, there is a plethora of novel compounds awaiting research in the context of their medicinal properties. Anecdotal accounts of plant-based medicines used by the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples clearly illustrates high therapeutic activity. ⋯ Australian plants express a diverse range of previously undescribed metabolites that have not been given full in vitro assessment for human health potential. This review has included a limited number of plant species of ethnomedicinal significance; hundreds of plants remain in need of exploration and detailed study. Future more elaborate studies are therefore required to screen out and purify lead bioactive compounds against numerous other disease types. This will not only improve our knowledge on the phytochemistry of Australian native flora, but also provide a platform to understand their health-promoting and bioactive effects for pharmaceutical interventions, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, and as functional foods. Finally, plant-derived natural compounds (phytochemicals), as well as plant-based traditional remedies, are significant sources for latent and novel drugs against diseases. Extensive investigation of native medicinal plants may well hold the key to novel drug discoveries.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in neuropathic pain (i.e., pain caused by lesion or disease of the somatosensory system). We showed previously that the aqueous extract prepared from Luehea divaricata leaves, a plant explored by native ethnic groups of Brazil to treat different pathologic conditions, exhibits good antioxidant activity and induces analgesia in rats with neuropathic pain (J Ethnopharmacol, 2020; 256:112761. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.112761). The effect was comparable to that of gabapentin, a drug recommended as first-line treatment for neuropathic pain. However, increasing evidence has indicated the need to accurately determine the oxidative stress level of an individual before prescribing supplemental antioxidants. ⋯ Aqueous extract from L. divaricata leaves was demonstrated, for the first time, to improve SFI and modulate oxidative stress markers in injured sciatic nerve and spinal cord of CCI rats. Thus, the antinociceptive effect of the extract involves modulation of oxidative stress markers in injured sciatic nerve and spinal cord.
Kadsura heteroclita (Roxb.) Craib (traditionally known as "Xue Tong") is an important member of the economically and medicinally important plant family Schisandraceae. "Xue Tong" is an imperative ingredient of the Tujia ethnomedicine, traditionally used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), hepatitis, and muscles and joint spasm. The plant is known to be a rich source of lignans and triterpenoids. These classes of natural products have been known to possess various pharmacological activities. ⋯ Pharmacological investigations have validated the use of K. heteroclita in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Literature review has demonstrated that lignans and triterpenoids are possibly responsible for most of the biological activities exhibited by this plant. To conclude, this plant shows immense potential for the discovery of more potent bioactive secondary metabolites and therefore further phytochemical and biological studies on other parts of K. heteroclita need to be conducted and more compounds need to be tested regarding their biological activities to completely explore its value as a tremendously important medicinal plant species.