Resistant hypertension is defined as uncontrolled office blood pressure, despite the use of ≥3 antihypertensive drugs. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is mandatory to diagnose 2 different groups, those with true and white-coat resistant hypertension. Patients are found to change categories between controlled/uncontrolled ambulatory pressures without changing their office blood pressures. ⋯ In the third and fourth ABPMs, 74% and 79% of patients sustained the diagnosis. In multivariate regression, a daytime systolic blood pressure ≤115 mm Hg in the confirmatory ABPM triplicated the chance of white-coat resistant hypertension status persistence after 1 year. In conclusion, a confirmatory ABPM is necessary after 3 months of the first white-coat-resistant hypertension diagnosis, and the procedure should be repeated at 6-month intervals, except in patients with daytime systolic blood pressure ≤115 mm Hg, in whom it may be repeated annually.
Right ventricular (RV) failure (RVF) is the main cause of death in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH). Sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, was approved recently for treatment of PAH patients. However, the mechanisms underlying RV contractile malfunction and the benefits of sildenafil on RV function are not well understood. ⋯ In conclusion, PAH-induced increase in RV afterload causes severe T-tubule remodeling and Ca(2+) handling dysfunction in RV myocytes, leading to RV contractile failure. Sildenafil prevents and partially reverses ultrastructural, molecular, and functional remodeling of failing RV myocytes. Reversal of pathological T-tubule remodeling, although incomplete, is achievable without the regression of RV hypertrophy.
Comparative Study
Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB plasma concentration is elevated in pregnancy and preterm preeclampsia.
Glycogen phosphorylase is a key enzyme in glycogenolysis. Released with myocardial ischemia, blood concentration of glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB) is a marker of acute coronary syndromes. Pregnancy imposes metabolic stress, and preeclampsia is associated with cardiac complications. ⋯ GPBB was detected in the placenta and was less abundant in preterm preeclampsia than in preterm delivery cases (P<0.01). There is physiological elevation of plasma GPBB concentration during pregnancy; an increase in maternal plasma GPBB is a novel phenotype of preterm preeclampsia. It is strongly suggested that these changes are attributed to GPBB of placental origin.