Multicenter Study
Added predictive value of night-time blood pressure variability for cardiovascular events and mortality: the Ambulatory Blood Pressure-International Study.
The association of ambulatory blood pressure (BP) variability with mortality and cardiovascular events is controversial. To investigate whether BP variability predicts cardiovascular events and mortality in hypertension, we analyzed 7112 untreated hypertensive participants (3996 men) aged 52±15 years enrolled in 6 prospective studies. Median follow-up was 5.5 years. ⋯ The corresponding values for a diastolic BP SD of ≥7.9 mm Hg were 48%, 132%, and 77%. The addition of night-time BP variability to fully adjusted models had a significant impact on risk reclassification and integrated discrimination for all outcomes (relative integrated discrimination improvement for systolic BP variability: 9% cardiovascular events, 14.5% all-cause death, 8.5% cardiovascular death, and for diastolic BP variability: 10% cardiovascular events, 19.1% all-cause death, 23% cardiovascular death, all P<0.01). Thus, addition of BP variability to models of long-term outcomes improved the ability to stratify appropriately patients with hypertension among risk categories defined by standard clinical and laboratory variables.
Renal denervation has emerged as a novel approach for the treatment of patients with drug-resistant hypertension. To date, only limited data have been published using multielectrode radiofrequency ablation systems. In this article, we present the 12-month data of EnligHTN I, a first-in-human study using a multielectrode ablation catheter. ⋯ One patient with baseline nonocclusive renal artery stenosis progressed to 75% diameter stenosis, requiring renal artery stenting. The 12-month data continue to demonstrate safety and efficacy of the EnligHTN ablation system in patients with drug-resistant hypertension. Home BP measurements parallel measurements obtained with 24-hour ambulatory monitoring.
More than half of all cases of preeclampsia occur in healthy first-time pregnant women. Our aim was to develop a method to predict those at risk by combining clinical factors and measurements of biomarkers in women recruited to the Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) study of low-risk nulliparous women. Forty-seven biomarkers identified on the basis of (1) association with preeclampsia, (2) a biological role in placentation, or (3) a role in cellular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia were measured in plasma sampled at 14 to 16 weeks' gestation from 5623 women. ⋯ A predictive model of early-onset preeclampsia included angiogenin/placental growth factor as a ratio, mean arterial pressure, any pregnancy loss <10 weeks, and mean uterine artery resistance index (area under the receiver operator curve [95% confidence interval] in training and validation cohorts, 0.89 [0.78-1.0] and 0.78 [0.58-0.99], respectively). Neither model included pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, previously reported to predict preeclampsia in populations of mixed parity and risk. In nulliparous women, combining multiple biomarkers and clinical data provided modest prediction of preeclampsia.