Journal of dental education
Tobacco use adversely affects oral health and dental care. Globally, the health consequences of tobacco use are worsening, particularly those caused by cigarette smoking. Concerned government and nongovernmental organizations are attempting to contain the transnational tobacco companies' promotion of tobacco use and its disregard for the serious health consequences. ⋯ Dental organizations must identify and overcome perceived and real clinician and practice barriers to adopting essential cessation services. The dental profession is in an excellent position to play a major role in several emerging issues, such as helping the public and policymakers understand the chronic nature of tobacco dependence and supporting cessation services for all people, particularly pregnant women and youths. Such messages should be presented in terms that resonate with the public because tobacco industry activities and products continue to undermine well-being, the health economy, and individual self-directed behavior of choice.
Evidence of violations of academic integrity can be identified at all levels of education. A survey on academic integrity was mailed in 1998 to the academic deans of all fifty-five U. ⋯ The most common incidents of dishonest behavior involved copying or aiding another student during a written examinations; the second most common involved writing an untrue patient record entry or signing a faculty member's name in a patient chart. Respondents indicated the major reason for failure to report academic dishonesty was fear of involvement because of time and procedural hassles and fear of repercussions from students and peers.
Dentistry as a profession has often been considered both art and science. Traditional dental education has attempted to address both; however, in many places only the science of dentistry is emphasized. The move toward competency-based curricula in dental education requires an expansion of what constitutes meaningful knowledge in the curriculum and what pedagogies best support that curriculum. ⋯ Pedagogy that supports development of practical and emancipatory knowledge includes problem-based learning and case methods, heuristics, reflective practica, journals, storytelling, and performance-based assessment methods. These important teaching strategies are being integrated into various dental curricula including a new competency-based dental curriculum at Marquette University's School of Dentistry. It will be critical for dental educators to continue developing these methods to provide efficient and effective education for future practitioners in both the art and science of dentistry.
In response to the first-ever Surgeon General's report on oral health, released on May 25, 2000, ADEA President Rowland A. Hutchinson, D. D. ⋯ The task force was charged with making recommendations to the ADEA Board of Directors as to the Association's message to members and the general public, the Association's role in addressing oral health disparities, the legislative and policy implications of the report, and areas of collaboration between ADEA and others in the dental and health professions. The task force reviewed the report and made five recommendations, including increasing public awareness of the report's messages, promoting collaborative activities with a goal of improving America's oral health, and providing leadership in the drive to promote the incorporation of new science in dental education. The task force also identified numerous ADEA initiatives that address issues related to the Surgeon General's report.
The 1999 publication of the American Association of Dental Schools (AADS) President s Task Force on Future Dental School Faculty revealed a crisis in the shortages of dental school faculty. Stakeholders from around the nation have used the AADS Task Force report to address the crisis. In addressing one of the AADS Task Force recommendations, the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), formerly AADS, gathered additional data through a new survey of dental school deans to elucidate the current state of faculty shortages. ⋯ Offering a salary competitive with that of private practice was identified as the most critical factor in recruiting future faculty. A number of short and long-range strategies to recruit and retain faculty are presented. Ultimately, the dental school faculty shortage places in jeopardy the general and oral health of the public.