Annals of emergency medicine
Plasma catecholamine levels after intraosseous epinephrine administration in a cardiac arrest model.
To measure plasma catecholamine levels and the cardiovascular response after administering epinephrine by the intraosseous (IO) route in an animal cardiac arrest model. ⋯ IO epinephrine is rapidly transported to the central circulation but requires larger than currently recommended doses to produce a significant change in blood pressure.
To examine the validity of a disposable, colorimetric end-tidal CO2 detector in verifying endotracheal tube (ETT) placement in infants and children. ⋯ The detector accurately identifies ETT position in children with spontaneous circulation who weigh more than 2 kg. During CPR, a positive test correctly indicates that the ETT is in the airway, but a negative result (suggesting esophageal placement) requires an alternate means of confirming ETT position.
To determine the practice of emergency physicians with regard to the issue of Rh isoimmunization. ⋯ This study demonstrates a need for increased attention to the potential for Rh isoimmunization in patients presenting to the ED.
Infection with the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides is common in children and may mimic an acute abdomen. The cases of two pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department with signs and symptoms of a surgical abdomen are presented to highlight the presentation of this infection. Both cases were diagnosed by physical examination and radiographs and were treated successfully without surgical intervention. These cases illustrate the need for heightened awareness by the emergency physician of ascariasis in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen.