Annals of emergency medicine
We determine the increase in intraocular pressure during pediatric procedural sedation with ketamine, and the proportion of children whose increase might be clinically important (at least 5 mm Hg). ⋯ In this study of ketamine sedation in children with healthy eyes, we observed mild increases in intraocular pressure that at times transiently exceeded our bounds for potential clinical importance (5 mm Hg).
Review Meta Analysis
What Are the Most Clinically Useful Cutoffs for the Alvarado and Pediatric Appendicitis Scores? A Systematic Review.
The objective of this study is to systematically review the accuracy of the Alvarado score and Pediatric Appendicitis Score and to identify optimal cutoffs for low- and high-risk populations. ⋯ For children with a pretest probability of acute appendicitis of 60% or less, an Alvarado score below 4 rules out the diagnosis; this is also true for a score less than 5 if the pretest probability is up to approximately 40%. In adults with a pretest probability greater than or equal to 60%, an Alvarado score of 8 or higher rules in the diagnosis, whereas one of 9 or higher rules in the diagnosis at pretest probabilities greater than or equal to 40%. The Pediatric Appendicitis Score did not identify clinically useful low- or high-risk groups at typical pretest probabilities.
We investigate the accuracy of pediatric emergency physician sonography for acute appendicitis in children. ⋯ With focused ultrasonographic training, pediatric emergency physicians can diagnose acute appendicitis with substantial accuracy.