Annals of emergency medicine
In June 2014, Annals of Emergency Medicine collaborated with the Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) blog-based Web site to host an online discussion session featuring the Annals Residents' Perspective article "The Opioid Prescription Epidemic and the Role of Emergency Medicine" by Poon and Greenwood-Ericksen. This dialogue included a live videocast with the authors and other experts, a detailed discussion on the ALiEM Web site's comment section, and real-time conversations on Twitter. Engagement was tracked through various Web analytic tools, and themes were identified by content curation. ⋯ Four major themes about prescription opioids identified included the following: physician knowledge, inconsistent medical education, balance between overprescribing and effective pain management, and approaches to solutions. Free social media technologies provide a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse community of emergency medicine and non-emergency medicine clinicians, nurses, learners, and even patients. Such technologies may allow more rapid hypothesis generation for future research and more accelerated knowledge translation.