Annals of emergency medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Propofol or Ketofol for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Emergency Medicine-The POKER Study: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial.
We determine whether emergency physician-provided deep sedation with 1:1 ketofol versus propofol results in fewer adverse respiratory events requiring physician intervention when used for procedural sedation and analgesia. ⋯ Ketofol and propofol resulted in a similar incidence of adverse respiratory events requiring the intervention of the sedating physician. Although propofol resulted in more hypotension, the clinical relevance of this is questionable, and both agents are associated with high levels of patient satisfaction.
Prescription drug monitoring programs are statewide databases available to clinicians to track prescriptions of controlled medications. These programs may provide valuable information to assess the history and use of controlled substances and contribute to clinical decisionmaking in the emergency department (ED). ⋯ In this article, we review the ethical issues surrounding prescription drug monitoring programs and how those issues might be addressed to ensure the proper application of this tool in the ED. Clinical decisionmaking in regard to the appropriate use of opioids and other controlled substances is complex and should take into account all relevant clinical factors, including age, sex, clinical condition, medical history, medication history and potential drug-drug interactions, history of addiction or diversion, and disease state.
Observational Study
Geolocalization of Influenza Outbreak Within an Acute Care Population: A Layered-Surveillance Approach.
We seek to use a novel layered-surveillance approach to localize influenza clusters within an acute care population. The first layer of this system is a syndromic surveillance screen to guide rapid polymerase chain reaction testing. The second layer is geolocalization and cluster analysis of these patients. We posit that any identified clusters could represent at-risk populations who could serve as high-yield targets for preventive medical interventions. ⋯ Our layered-surveillance approach was effective in localizing a cluster of influenza A outbreak. This region may house a high-yield target population for public health intervention. Further collaborative efforts will be made between our hospital and the Maricopa County Department of Public Health to perform a series of community vaccination events before the next influenza season. We hope these efforts will ultimately serve to reduce the burden of this disease on our patient population, and that this system will serve as a framework for future investigations locating at-risk populations.