AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol · Aug 2012
Case ReportsMultimodal imaging of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome: a series of 6 cases.
RCVS is a clinical condition of recurrent severe headaches that may be associated with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke and that is defined by the presence of segmental vasoconstriction in multiple cerebral arteries. The angiographic appearance resembles vasculitis, except that the abnormalities resolve during the course of several months. Because the treatment of RCVS differs from that for vasculitis, radiologists must understand the clinical and radiologic features so as to better guide imaging algorithms and facilitate diagnosis. We present a series of 6 cases of RCVS that highlight the imaging features across multiple modalities.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol · Aug 2012
ReviewChallenges of the anatomy and diffusion tensor tractography of the Meyer loop.
This review addresses the complex and often controversial anatomy of the anterior bundle of the OR, also known as the Meyer loop. Before the advent of MR imaging, 2 main types of studies attempted to ascertain the "safe" distance for anterior temporal lobe resection to avoid postsurgical VFDs. ⋯ Although many of these techniques are still experimental, there are some clinical situations for which they may prove to be very helpful if properly performed and validated. The motivation for this review was to improve the outcome of patients with TLE undergoing temporal lobectomy: Would having anatomic information about the OR available to the neurosurgeon decrease the risk of postsurgical VFDs?
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol · Aug 2012
Case ReportsAtypical diffusion-restricted lesion in 5-Fluorouracil encephalopathy.
Central nervous system toxicity of 5-FU could show various manifestations, such as decreased alertness, disorientation, and agitation. It is generally accepted that lesions of 5-FU encephalopathy are mainly in the deep cerebral white matter and corpus callosum on MR imaging. Here we describe a case of 5-FU encephalopathy in gastric cancer with an atypical reversible diffusion-restricted lesion on MR imaging, showing bilateral basal ganglia, thalami, and parasagittal frontal cortex involvement on diffusion and T2-weighted imaging.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol · Aug 2012
CT fluoroscopy-guided cervical interlaminar steroid injections: safety, technique, and radiation dose parameters.
Cervical epidural steroid injections are approached with trepidation because of concerns over safety, including direct spinal cord injury. CT fluoroscopy is an alternative to conventional fluoroscopy that could potentially help reduce the risk of injury by providing improved localization of the needle tip. We sought to determine rates of technical success and risk of complications in our initial cohort of patients treated with cervical interlaminar ESI performed under CTF guidance. ⋯ CTF-guided cervical interlaminar ESI can be performed at all levels in the cervical spine with a low rate of procedural complications. Short total procedure times, CT-fluoroscopy times, and reduced tube current make this procedure a practical alternative to cervical ESI performed under conventional fluoroscopy.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol · Aug 2012
Comparative StudyDiffusion-weighted MR imaging in head and neck cancer: comparison between half-fourier acquired single-shot turbo spin-echo and EPI techniques.
Several studies have reported on the clinical utility of DWI in head and neck cancer, but none of these studies compared HASTE with EPI-DWI in patients with head and neck cancer. The aim of our study was to compare detection and delineation of primary tumors and lymph nodes by using HASTE and EPI-DWI techniques in patients with HNSCC. ⋯ Primary tumors and lymph nodes are more easily visualized on EPI-DWI compared with HASTE-DWI. EPI-DWI has geometric distortion, however, which has a negative effect on interobserver agreement of ADC values.