Neurochemistry international
Zellweger syndrome (ZS) is a neonatal-lethal genetic disease that affects all tissues, and features neuropathology that involves primary developmental defects as well as neurodegeneration. Neuropathological changes include abnormal neuronal migration affecting the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and inferior olivary complex, abnormal Purkinje cell arborisation, demyelination and post-developmental neuronal degeneration. ⋯ Attempts to explain the neuropathogenesis have implicated peroxisomal metabolic dysfunction, and more specifically the loss of peroxisomal products, such as plasmalogens and docosahexaenoic, and the accumulation of peroxisomal substrates, such as very-long-chain-fatty acids. In this review, consideration is also given to recent findings that implicate other candidate pathogenetic factors, such as mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, protein misfolding, aberrant cell signalling, and inflammation - factors that have also been identified as important in the pathogenesis of other neurological diseases.
Brain abscesses often cause symptoms of brain dysfunction, including seizures, suggesting interference with normal neurotransmission. We determined the concentration of extracellular neuroactive amino acids in brain abscesses from 16 human patients. Glutamate was present at 3.6 mmol/L (median value, range 0.5-10.8), aspartate at 1.0 mmol/L (range 0.09-6.8). ⋯ The patient groups did not differ with respect to abscess volume, the cerebral lobe affected, age, or time from symptom onset to surgery. Seven patients with extracerebral, intracranial abscesses had significantly lower pus concentration of glutamate (352 μmol/L, range 83-1368) and aspartate (71 μmol/L, range 22-330) than intracerebral abscesses (p<0.001). We conclude that excitatory amino acids glutamate and aspartate may reach very high concentrations in brain abscesses, probably contributing to symptoms through activation of glutamate receptors in the surrounding brain tissue.