Neurobiology of aging
Neurobiology of aging · Oct 2014
Case ReportsHomozygous TREM2 mutation in a family with atypical frontotemporal dementia.
TREM2 mutations were first identified in Nasu-Hakola disease, a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by recurrent fractures because of bone cysts and presenile dementia. Recently, homozygous and compound heterozygous TREM2 mutations were identified in rare families with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) but without bone involvement. We identified a p. ⋯ This study further demonstrates the implication of TREM2 mutations in FTLD phenotypes. It illustrates the variability of bone phenotype and underlines the frequency of atypical signs in TREM2 carriers. This and previous studies evidence that TREM2 mutation screening should be limited to autosomal recessive FTLD with atypical phenotypes characterized by: (1) a very young age at onset (20-50 years); (2) early parietal and hippocampal deficits; (3) the presence of seizures and parkinsonism; (4) suggestive extensive white matter lesions and corpus callosum thickness on brain magnetic resonance imaging.
Neurobiology of aging · Oct 2014
Investigation of TREM2, PLD3, and UNC5C variants in patients with Alzheimer's disease from mainland China.
Recently, 3 rare coding variants significantly associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk have been identified in western populations using whole exome sequencing method, including p. R47H in TREM2, p. V232M in PLD3, and p. ⋯ S843G, and p. V836V) in UNC5C were detected in unrelated patients with late-onset AD. These findings suggest the 3 rare coding variants might not play an important role in AD risk in mainland China.
Neurobiology of aging · Oct 2014
Aging in deep gray matter and white matter revealed by diffusional kurtosis imaging.
Diffusion tensor imaging has already been extensively used to probe microstructural alterations in white matter tracts, and scarcely, in deep gray matter. However, results in literature regarding age-related degenerative mechanisms in white matter tracts and parametric changes in the putamen are inconsistent. Diffusional kurtosis imaging is a mathematical extension of diffusion tensor imaging, which could more comprehensively mirror microstructure, particularly in isotropic tissues such as gray matter. ⋯ In summary, the results suggested that diffusional kurtosis can provide measurements in a new dimension that were complementary to diffusivity metrics. Kurtosis together with diffusivity can more comprehensively characterize microstructural compositions and age-related changes than diffusivity alone. Combined with proper model, it may also assist in providing neurobiological interpretations of the identified alterations.
Neurobiology of aging · Oct 2014
PERK mediates eIF2α phosphorylation responsible for BACE1 elevation, CREB dysfunction and neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Emerging evidence suggests that aberrant phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2α (eIF2α) may induce synaptic failure and neurodegeneration through persistent translational inhibition of global protein synthesis. However, elevated phospho-eIF2α also paradoxically causes translational activation of a subset of messenger RNAs such as the β-secretase enzyme, β-site APP-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) and cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) repressor, activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4). Therefore, we tested whether genetic reduction of the eIF2α kinase PERK may prevent these deleterious events and mitigate Alzheimer's disease (AD)-like neuropathology and cognitive impairments in the 5XFAD mouse model. ⋯ Notably, PERK haploinsufficiency also prevented BACE1 elevations, resulting in reduced levels of amyloid-β peptides and plaque burden in 5XFAD mice. Moreover, CREB dysfunction was restored in PERK(+/-)·5XFAD mice concomitant with reversal of ATF4 upregulation. Together, these findings suggest that PERK may be a disease-modifying therapeutic target to prevent multiple memory-disrupting mechanisms associated with AD.