Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Sep 2022
US Mass public shootings since Columbine: victims per incident by race and ethnicity of the perpetrator.
White individuals in the United States (US) have historically had disproportionate access to firearms. The real-life availability of firearms, including those most lethal, may still be greater among White populations, manifesting in the number of victims in shootings. We compared the severity of US mass public shootings since Columbine by race and/or ethnicity of the perpetrator using The Violence Project Database of Mass Shooters, assessing fatalities (minimum four), total victims, type, and legal status of guns used. ⋯ White shooters were overrepresented in mass public shootings with the most victims, typically involving legally owned assault rifles. To better understand the consequences when firearms are readily available, including assault rifles, we need a database of all US gun violence. Our assessment of total victims beyond fatalities emphasizes the large number of US gun violence survivors and the need to understand their experiences to capture the full impact of gun violence.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2022
A comparison of high-grade cervical abnormality risks in women living with and without human immunodeficiency virus undergoing routine cervical-cancer screening.
As the US moves increasingly towards using human papillomavirus (HPV) testing with or without concurrent cytology for cervical cancer screening, it is unknown what the corresponding risks are following a screening result for women living with HIV (WLWH), which will dictate the optimal clinical follow-up. Therefore, using medical records data from Kaiser Permanente Northern California, which introduced triennial HPV and cytology co-testing in women aged 30-64 years in 2003, we compared risks of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2) or more severe diagnoses (CIN2+) in women not known to have HIV (HIV[-] women) (n = 67,488) frequency matched 111:1 on age and year of the first co-test to the 608 WLWH (n = 608). WLWH were more likely to test HPV positive (20.2% vs. 6.5%, p < 0.001) and have non-normal cytology (14.1% vs. 4.1%, p < 0.001) than HIV[-] women. ⋯ Five-year CIN2+ risks for WLWH with positive HPV and non-normal cytology, positive HPV and normal cytology, negative HPV and non-normal cytology, and negative HPV and normal cytology were 24.9% (95%CI = 13.4-36.4%), 3.0% (95%CI = 0.0-7.4%), 3.6 (95%CI = 0.0-9.8%) and 0.3% (95%CI = 0.0-0.8%), respectively. Corresponding 5-year CIN2+ risks for HIV[-] women were 26.6% (95%CI = 24.6-28.7%), 8.5% (95%CI = 7.2-9.9%), 1.9% (95%CI = 1.0-2.8%), and 0.5% (95%CI = 0.4-0.6%), respectively. Thus, in this healthcare setting, the main cause in overall CIN2+ risk differences between WLWH and HIV[-] women was the former was more likely to screen positive and once the screening result is known, it may be reasonable to manage both populations similarly.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2022
Factors associated with unvaccinated caregivers who plan to vaccinate their children.
Vaccine hesitancy is complex and a threat to global public health during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Our objective was to determine factors associated with caregivers' willingness to vaccinate children despite not being immunized themselves against COVID-19. The International COVID-19 Parental Attitude Study (COVIPAS), a multinational cohort study, recruited caregivers of children 0-18 years old in 21 Emergency Departments (EDs) in USA, Canada, Israel, and Switzerland during November-December 2021. ⋯ Unvaccinated caregivers with children that had their childhood vaccines up-to-date (OR 3.03 (1.36, 8.09), p = 0.01), and those very worried their child has COVID-19 in the ED (OR 3.11 (1.44, 6.34), p < 0.01) were much more likely to plan to immunize their children. Primary care providers and public health agencies should not assume that unvaccinated parents will not vaccinate their children. Determining child's vaccination status and parental level of concern about COVID-19 may help identify caregivers who are open to give their children the vaccine.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2022
Modelling cost-effective strategies for minimising socioeconomic inequalities in colorectal cancer screening outcomes in England.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality is higher in socioeconomically deprived groups for a variety of reasons, but is exacerbated by poorer screening uptake. However, many strategies for improving screening participation exist. This analysis aimed to model the impact of screening on CRC inequalities in England and then compare different strategies for increasing participation, to determine the most cost-effective methods for reducing screening-induced inequalities. ⋯ Annual re-invitation of non-participants was most cost-effective for promoting particiption (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio = £4404 per quality-adjusted life-year), reducing CRC mortality (11,129 deaths averted), and reducing screening-induced inequality (slope of inequalities reduced from 20.80 to 19.38), although it required 42% more screening kits to be sent out. Other strategies were cost-effective compared with screening alone, and improved CRC outcomes, but had varying impacts on inequalities. Whilst bowel cancer screening increases socioeconomic inequalities in CRC mortality, effective and cost-effective strategies are available for mitigating screening-induced inequalities.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2022
Adverse childhood experiences and disordered eating among middle-aged adults: Findings from the coronary artery risk development in young adults study.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) include childhood abuse, neglect, and household substance abuse. Childhood abuse is a risk factor for disordered eating (DEB). Less well established are associations of childhood neglect and household substance abuse with DEB, and little research has examined ACE associations with DEB in middle adulthood. ⋯ A cumulative ACE score was associated with all DEBs in a stepwise manner (p for trend ≤0.05) except concerns about weight and shape and overeating. Among men, emotional abuse was most consistently related to the majority of DEBs (RRs = 1.23-1.92); household substance abuse was modestly associated with overeating (RR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.04-1.53). ACEs were cumulatively associated with unhealthy weight control behaviors, overeating, and binge eating (p for trend <0.01).