Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Jan 2023
Association of occupational physical activity and disability pension in 756,159 Spanish workers: A prospective cohort study with 13 years follow-up.
Recent research from Nordic countries identified occupational physical activity (OPA) as a risk factor for disability pension, but further research accounting for exhaustive analyses in novel populations is warranted. Our objective was to assess the association between OPA and disability pension using administrative data. This prospective registry-based cohort study used data from the Spanish Continuous Working Life Sample (CWLS). ⋯ In the fully adjusted model, participants exposed to higher levels of OPA showed higher risk for disability pension in an exposure-response fashion. Men and women exposed to very high OPA showed the highest HR for disability pension (2.31 [95% CI, 2.17 to 2.46] and 1.68 [95% CI, 1.56 to 1.81], respectively. These results warrant preventative measures to address early involuntary exit from the labour market in workers exposed to high physical work demands.
Preventive medicine · Jan 2023
ReviewSocial mobilization, education, and prevention of the Ebola virus disease: A scoping review.
The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) remains a global public health concern with multiple outbreaks over the last five years. This scoping review aimed to synthesize the current state of knowledge on awareness, education, and community mobilization programs on EVD prevention. A comprehensive search strategy was executed in October 2021 across eight databases (APA PsycInfo, CINAHL, Cochrane CENTRAL, Embase, Global Health, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science). ⋯ A majority of the population members received their information about EVD from the community and mass media (in most instances, through broadcasting stations). Community interventions with a collaborative approach are effective to prevent EVD. It is needed to build trust between communities and health care, but also to use local resources and cultural factors combined with the use of technologies of information to prevent EVD.
Preventive medicine · Jan 2023
Evaluation of co-testing with cytology and human papillomavirus testing in cervical screening.
Cervical screening is increasingly switching to human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. In many settings, the switch has involved one or several co-tests (testing using both cytology and HPV) in the screening guidelines, to ensure safety. When Sweden switched to HPV testing in 2015 the guidelines included a co-test at age 41. ⋯ Among these, 325 women had a CIN2+ in histopathology, 290 were double positive, 13 women were cyt+/HPV-, and 11 women each were HPV+/cyt- and HPV-/Cyt-. In summary, the additional yield of CIN2+ with co-testing was 2 cases per 10,643 women as compared with 195/10,643 CIN2+ cases detected with HPV screening alone. However, for cervical samples taken outside the screening program (e.g. taken on a clinical indication) there was an increased yield (314 CIN2+ cases detected with co-testing as compared to 301 cases with HPV screening).
Preventive medicine · Jan 2023
Modeling cigarette smoking disparities between people with and without serious psychological distress in the US, 1997-2100.
Cigarette smoking rates are significantly higher among people with serious psychological distress (SPD) compared to the general population. US simulation models that project future smoking disparities by SPD status could inform policy interventions, but have not been developed. We calibrated two compartmental models to the National Health Interview Survey 1997-2018 for populations with and without SPD, calculating smoking prevalence, mortality, and life-years lost by SPD status under different scenarios from 2023 to 2100. ⋯ Preventing smoking initiation could avert up to 18% of these deaths, while improving smoking cessation could avert up to 82%. Smoking-related disparities for people with SPD will persist unless a shift in tobacco control substantially improves cessation and prevents initiation in this subpopulation. Smoking disparities by SPD may widen in relative but narrow in absolute terms, so both perspectives should be evaluated.
Preventive medicine · Jan 2023
Digital screen time and suicidality during high school: How important is cyberbullying? A mediation analysis using the youth risk behavioral surveillance survey, 2011-2019.
Elevated digital screen time (i.e., 2+ hours per day) is associated with suicidal ideations, planning, and attempts during adolescence. Recent studies suggest quality, rather than duration, of digital screen time is most impactful on adolescent mental health. We investigate the role of cyberbullying victimization on the relationship between elevated digital screen time and risk factors for completed suicide. ⋯ Similar mediating effects were observed in models stratified by sex. Findings reinforce prior research demonstrating that the quality of leisure, digital media strongly influences the relationship between digital screen time and mental health during adolescence. Findings need replication via longitudinal designs.