La Revue de médecine interne
Observational Study
[The practice of telemedicine by French internal medicine physicians in 2019].
Telemedicine has been developing in France since 2018. The objective of this survey was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, practices and training of internal physicians regarding telemedicine. ⋯ Attitudes towards telemedicine were positive, but few internists knew about it and practiced it formally, warranting appropriate training.
The present article details the publication process and the vicissitudes of three articles about SARS-CoV-2 and its related disease (COVID-19). The three articles were published one month apart between March and May 2020. ⋯ Beyond the description of these three specific cases, this article raises issues about article retraction, peer-reviewing, preprints, authorship and the dissemination of scientific medical information, including through the mass media. It discusses new publishing modes and the dissemination of published information in clinical research.
Mucocutaneous fungal infections are common and usually occur in the presence of certain risk factors. However, these infections can occur in patients with no known risk factors. This indicates the presence of an underlying genetic susceptibility to fungi reflecting an innate or adaptive immune deficiency. In this review, we highlight genetic factors that predispose to mucocutaneous fungal infections specially candidiasis and dermatophytosis.