La Revue de médecine interne
The occurrence of acquired hemophilia during pregnancy or postpartum is rare (2 to 10 % in series). It is generally suspected in the presence of haemorrhagic manifestations (especially subcutataneous or mucosal bleeding) associated with an isolated prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). The diagnosis is confirmed by the association of a low level of factor VIII (FVIII) and the presence of an anti-FVIII inhibitor. ⋯ The management of childbirth is particularly delicate in terms of haemorrhage, especially if the anti-FVIII inhibitor is still present, and must be prepared in a multidisciplinary manner. Finally, as with any acquired hemophilia, a relapse is possible, especially in the year following remission. During a subsequent pregnancy, the risk of recurrence is possible but should not be a contraindication to a new pregnancy.
Sickle cell disease is a frequent genetic condition, due to a mutation of the β-globin gene, leading to the production of an abnormal S hemoglobin and characterized by multiple vaso-occlusive events. The acute chest syndrome is a severe complication associated with a significant disability and mortality. It is defined by the association of one or more clinical respiratory manifestations and a new infiltrate on lung imaging. ⋯ Inferior alveolar opacities with or without pleural effusions are identified on chest X-ray or CT-scan. Management of the acute chest syndrome should be prompt and implies, besides the recognition of severity signs, a multimodal analgesia, oxygen supplementation, sometimes a parenteral antibiotic treatment and the frequent use of blood transfusions especially in the most severe cases. Prevention is important and includes a regular monitoring of hospitalized patients and the use of incentive spirometry.
Cardiopulmonary complications are the leading cause of mortality in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) requiring an early identification. A global and comprehensive approach is needed due to the complexity of the overlapping aetiologies of dyspnoea in SSc. ⋯ CPET may be used to screen for pulmonary arterial hypertension, suspect interstitial lung disease and guide therapeutic strategies including exercise rehabilitation. This review focuses on the clinical value of CPET in the decision-making processes for a more personalised diagnostic approach to SSc-related complications.
Acute esophageal necrosis (AEN) is a rare medical disorder, which is characterized by a diffuse black esophageal mucosal during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy which is a highly recommended diagnostic tool. Its high mortality rate requires to be quickly evocated and an early management. ⋯ AEN has to be quickly evocated in a polyvascular and old patient with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Our experience confirms that optimal and early management allow a esophageal complete healing at 6weeks.