The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Preclinical evidence suggests that opioid withdrawal induces central sensitization (CS) that is maintained by supraspinal contributions from the descending pain modulatory system (DPMS). Here, in healthy human subjects we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the supraspinal activity during the withdrawal period of the opioid remifentanil. We used a crossover design and thermal stimuli on uninjured skin to demonstrate opioid withdrawal-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) without a CS-inducing peripheral stimulus. ⋯ Only in these subjects did opioid infusion and withdrawal induce a rise in activity in the mesencephalic-pontine reticular formation (MPRF), an area of the DPMS that has been previously shown to be involved in states of CS in humans, which became significant during the withdrawal phase compared with nonresponders. Paradoxically, this opioid withdrawal-induced rise in MPRF activity shows a significant negative correlation with the behavioral OIH score indicating a predominant inhibitory role of the MPRF in the responders. These data illustrate that in susceptible individuals central mechanisms appear to regulate the expression of OIH in humans in the absence of tissue injury, which might have relevance for functional pain syndromes where a peripheral origin for the pain is difficult to identify.
Excessive coughing is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical advice, yet the available therapies for treating cough disorders are inadequate. Humans can voluntarily cough, choose to suppress their cough, and are acutely aware of an irritation that is present in their airways. This indicates a significant level of behavioral and conscious control over the basic cough reflex pathway. ⋯ Rather, activations in several brain regions, including the posterior insula and posterior cingulate cortex, define the unique attributes of an evoked cough. Furthermore, the active suppression of irritant-evoked coughing is also associated with a unique pattern of brain activity, including an involvement of the anterior insula, anterior mid-cingulate cortex, and inferior frontal gyrus. These data demonstrate for the first time that evoked cough is not solely a brainstem-mediated reflex response to irritation of the airways, but rather requires active facilitation by cortical regions, and is further regulated by distinct higher order inhibitory processes.
When visual sensory information is restricted, we often rely on haptic and auditory information to recognize objects. Here we examined how haptic exploration of familiar objects affects neural processing of subsequently presented sounds of objects. Recent studies indicated that oscillatory responses, in particular in the gamma band (30-100 Hz), reflect cross-modal processing, but it is not clear which cortical networks are involved. ⋯ Source reconstruction of total GBA using linear beamforming revealed effects of semantic congruency in the left lateral temporal lobe, possibly reflecting matching of information across modalities. For semantically incongruent inputs, total GBA was enhanced in middle frontal cortices, possibly indicating the processing or detection of conflicting information. Our findings demonstrate that semantic priming by haptic object exploration affects processing of auditory inputs in the lateral temporal lobe and suggest an important role of oscillatory activity for multisensory processing.
The cytoplasmic Ca(2+) clearance rate affects neuronal excitability, plasticity, and synaptic transmission. Here, we examined the modulation of the plasma membrane Ca(2+) ATPase (PMCA) by tyrosine kinases. In rat sensory neurons grown in culture, the PMCA was under tonic inhibition by a member of the Src family of tyrosine kinases (SFKs). ⋯ Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels mediate a slow afterhyperpolarization in sensory neurons that was inhibited by tyrosine kinase inhibitors and enhanced by knockdown of PMCA4. Thus, we describe a novel kinase cascade in sensory neurons that enables the extracellular matrix to alter Ca(2+) signals by modulating PMCA-mediated Ca(2+) clearance. This signaling pathway may influence the excitability of sensory neurons following injury.
The primary motor cortex (M1) of the rat contains dopaminergic terminals. The origin of this dopaminergic projection and its functional role for movement are obscure. Other areas of cortex receive dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, and these projections are involved in learning phenomena. ⋯ Lesioning VTA did not affect performance of an already learned skill, hence, left movement execution intact. These findings provide evidence that dopaminergic terminals in M1 originate in VTA, contribute to M1 plasticity, and are necessary for successful motor skill learning. Because VTA dopaminergic neurons are known to signal rewards, the VTA-to-M1 projection is a candidate for relaying reward information that could directly support the encoding of a motor skill within M1.