The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Pain can have a throbbing quality, especially when it is severe and disabling. It is widely held that this throbbing quality is a primary sensation of one's own arterial pulsations, arising directly from the activation of localized pain-sensory neurons by closely apposed blood vessels. We examined this presumption more closely by simultaneously recording the subjective report of the throbbing rhythm and the arterial pulse in human subjects of either sex with throbbing dental pain-a prevalent condition whose pulsatile quality is widely regarded a primary sensation. ⋯ Moreover, the beat-to-beat variation in arterial and throbbing events observed distinct fractal properties, indicating that the physiological mechanisms underlying these rhythmic events are distinct. Confirmation of the generality of this observation in other pain conditions would support an alternative hypothesis that the throbbing quality is not a primary sensation but rather an emergent property, or perception, whose "pacemaker" lies within the CNS. Future studies leading to an improved understanding of the neurobiological basis of clinically relevant pain qualities, such as throbbing, will also enhance our ability to measure and therapeutically target severe and disabling pain.
Electroencephalographic gamma band oscillations (GBOs) induced over the human primary somatosensory cortex (SI) by nociceptive stimuli have been hypothesized to reflect cortical processing involved directly in pain perception, because their magnitude correlates with pain intensity. However, as stimuli perceived as more painful are also more salient, an alternative interpretation of this correlation is that GBOs reflect unspecific stimulus-triggered attentional processing. ⋯ Here, by delivering trains of three nociceptive stimuli at a constant 1 s interval, and using different energies to elicit graded pain intensities, we demonstrate that GBOs recorded over SI always predict the subjective pain intensity, even when saliency is reduced by repetition. These results provide evidence for a close relationship between GBOs and the cortical activity subserving pain perception.
Glutamate is the primary excitatory transmitter in adult brain, acting through synapses on dendritic spines and shafts. Early in development, however, when glutamatergic synapses are only beginning to form, nicotinic cholinergic excitation is already widespread; it is mediated by acetylcholine activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) that generate waves of activity across brain regions. A major class of nAChRs contributing at this time is a species containing α7 subunits (α7-nAChRs). ⋯ GABAergic synapses, in contrast, are undiminished in number under such conditions. As a result, mice lacking α7-nAChRs have an altered balance in the excitatory/inhibitory input they receive. This ratio represents a fundamental feature of neural networks and shows for the first time that endogenous nicotinic cholinergic signaling plays a key role in network construction.
It is well established that visual cortex neurons having similar selectivity for orientation, direction of motion, ocular dominance, and other properties of first-order (luminance-defined) stimuli are clustered into a columnar organization. However, the cortical architecture of neuronal responses to second-order (contrast/texture-defined) stimuli is poorly understood. A useful second-order stimulus is a contrast envelope, consisting of a finely detailed pattern (carrier) whose contrast varies on a coarse spatial scale (envelope). ⋯ Multi-pronged tetrode recordings indicated that the diameter of these columns is ≥450 μm. Optimal carrier orientation was also significantly clustered but with finer-grain organization and greater scatter. These results indicate a fine anatomical structure of cortical organization of second-order information processing and suggest that there are probably more maps in cat area 18 than previously believed.
Rhesus monkeys provide a valuable model for studying the neurobiological basis of cognitive aging, because they are vulnerable to age-related memory decline in a manner similar to humans. In this study, young and aged monkeys were first tested on a well characterized recognition memory test (delayed nonmatching-to-sample; DNMS). Then, electron microscopic immunocytochemistry was performed to determine the subcellular localization of two proteins in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG): the GluA2 subunit of the glutamate AMPA receptor and the atypical protein kinase C ζ isoform (PKMζ). ⋯ Within this population of double-labeled spines, aged monkeys compared with young expressed a lower density of synaptic GluA2 immunogold labeling, which correlated with lower recognition accuracy. Additionally, higher density of synaptic PKMζ labeling in double-labeled spines correlated with both faster task acquisition and better retention. Together, these findings suggest that age-related impairment in maintenance of GluA2 at the synapse in the primate hippocampus is coupled with memory deficits.