International journal of cardiology
Regular physical activity is associated with a range of health benefits; however the influence of regular exercise training on exercise capacity and quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease [ACHD] has not been previously reported. ⋯ A simple physical activity intervention like regular walking is feasible, safe and significantly increases the exercise capacity of adult patients at all stages of congenital heart disease. It is also helpful in improving the quality of life by improving physical self-perception, satisfaction with life, physical activity levels and general health.
Transient left ventricular ballooning also called tako-tsubo syndrome, is increasingly being recognized as cardiomyopathy mimicking the clinical scenario of an acute myocardial infarction. Generally, it is characterized by apical ballooning appearance of the left ventricle in the presence of normal coronary arteries on the angiogram. ⋯ This syndrome is more prevalent in postmenopausal woman and usually preceded by extreme emotional and/or physical stress. We describe a case never reported before of transient left ventricular ballooning occurring during the early postpartum period after ergonovine injection rapidly evolving from a 'typical apical' ballooning into a 'midventricular' myocardial dysfunction.
Letter Case Reports
Post-PCI fatal bleeding in aspirin and clopidogrel hyper responder: shifting from antiplatelet resistance to bleeding risk assessment?
A 64 year old woman with previous history of coronary stenting five days before was admitted in our institution for intracranial bleeding while receiving aspirin and clopidogrel. At hospital discharge, platelet testing showed hyper response to antiplatelet therapy with very low post treatment platelet reactivity.
In chronic heart failure (CHF) skeletal muscle insulin resistance occurs independently of etiology and contributes to impaired energy metabolism. GLUT4, the predominant glucose transporter in the skeletal muscle promotes the rate-limiting step of glucose utilization in skeletal muscle. The significance of skeletal muscle GLUT4 in patients with CHF has not been studied in detail. ⋯ In non-diabetic patients with CHF, skeletal muscle GLUT4 transport protein is reduced in parallel to disease severity, independently of body composition. Low skeletal muscle GLUT4 contributes to insulin resistance in CHF.
Case Reports
Abnormal troponin I levels in acute pulmonary embolism without abnormal concentrations of D-dimer at admission.
Serum troponin I is a sensitive indicator of myocardial damage but abnormal troponin I levels have been reported without acute coronary syndrome and without cardiac damage. It has been reported that right ventricular overload and hypoxia in acute pulmonary embolism may lead to right ventricular myocardium injury reflected by elevated cardiac troponin levels and that in patients with acute central sub-massive or non-massive pulmonary embolism, even mild increase in troponin I >0.03 mug/L may provide relevant short-term prognostic information independent to clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic data. ⋯ We present a case of abnormal troponin I levels without abnormal concentrations of D-dimer at admission in a 26-year-old Italian man with acute pulmonary embolism. Also this case focuses attention on the importance of a correct evaluation of abnormal troponin I levels and not elevated D-dimer levels in acute pulmonary embolism.