Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache
Cluster headache (CH) is a primary headache with a close relation to sleep. CH presents a circa-annual rhythmicity; attacks occur preferably during the night, in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and they are associated with autonomic and neuroendocrine modifications. The posterior hypothalamus is the key structure for the biological phenomenon of CH. ⋯ After the cluster phase these alterations remitted. We conclude that CH was associated, in this patient, with sleep dysregulation involving the biological clock and the arousal mechanisms, particularly in REM. All these abnormalities are consistent with posterior hypothalamic dysfunction.
Comparative Study
Evaluating the IHS criteria for cluster headache--a comparison between patients meeting all criteria and patients failing one criterion.
Cluster headache (CH) is diagnosed according to criteria of the International Headache Society (IHS), but, in clinical practice, these criteria seem too restrictive. As part of a nation-wide study, we identified a group of patients who met all criteria minus one (IHS-CH-1), and assessed in which way they differed from CH patients meeting all criteria (IHS-CH). We performed a nation-wide questionnaire study for CH and CH-like syndromes, including questions based on the IHS criteria, and additional features such as restlessness during attacks, nocturnal onset of attacks, circadian rhythmicity of attacks and response to treatment. ⋯ These patients may therefore be diagnosed with CH. Attack frequency may not be a useful criterion for the diagnosis of CH. The upper limit of 3 h should be increased in future diagnostic criteria.
Neurovascular compression (NC) seems to have been confirmed as the major cause of classical trigeminal neuralgia (TN). In spite of the large number of surgically positive cases, however, there are still cases where no vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve can be found. To evaluate whether NC could be demonstrated preoperatively, high-resolution magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) was performed in 287 consecutive patients with TN and persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP) on a 0.5-T and a 1-T MR unit. ⋯ The rate of recurrence was 57% when pure venous compression was present. The only patient who was operated on from the PIFP group did not react to the MVD. The clinical symptoms and preoperative MRA performed by at least a 1-T MR unit furnish considerable information, which can play a role in the planning of the treatment of TN.
Controlled Clinical Trial
Forward head posture and neck mobility in chronic tension-type headache: a blinded, controlled study.
Forward head posture (FHP) and neck mobility were objectively assessed in 25 patients with chronic tension-type headache (CTTH) and 25 healthy controls. Side-view pictures were taken in a sitting position to measure the cranio-vertebral angle. A cervical goniometer was employed to measure the range of all cervical motions. ⋯ There was a positive correlation between the cranio-vertebral angle and neck mobility. Within the CTTH group, a negative correlation was found between the cranio-vertebral angle and headache frequency, but neck mobility did not correlate with headache parameters. Further research is needed to define a potential role of FHP and restricted neck mobility in the origin or maintenance of TTH.