Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of external trigeminal nerve stimulation (eTNS) on laser evoked cortical potentials (LEP): A pilot study in migraine patients and controls.
Background Transcutaneous external supraorbital nerve stimulation has emerged as a treatment option for primary headache disorders, though its action mechanism is still unclear. Study aim In this randomized, sham-controlled pilot study we aimed to test the effects of a single external transcutaneous nerve stimulation session on pain perception and cortical responses induced by painful laser stimuli delivered to the right forehead and the right hand in a cohort of migraine without aura patients and healthy controls. Methods Seventeen migraine without aura patients and 21 age- and sex-matched controls were selected and randomly assigned to a real or sham external transcutaneous nerve stimulation single stimulation session. ⋯ The real stimulation was associated with lower activity in the anterior cingulate cortex under trigeminal laser stimuli. The pattern of LEP-reduced habituation was reverted by real and sham transcutaneous stimulation in migraine patients. Conclusions The present results could suggest that the external transcutaneous nerve stimulation may interfere with the threshold and the extent of trigeminal system activation, with a mechanism of potential utility in the resolution and prevention of migraine attacks.
Background Medication-overuse headache is prevalent, but in principle preventable. Objective To describe the Danish national awareness campaign for medication-overuse headache. Methods The Danish Headache Center, the Association of Danish Pharmacies, and headache patient organizations implemented a four-month medication-overuse headache awareness campaign in 2016. ⋯ Information was available at an annual conference of general practitioners, including a headache lecture. The survey showed an increase in percentage of the public who knew about medication-overuse headache (from 31% to 38%). Conclusion A concerted campaign to prevent medication-overuse headache can be implemented through involvement of key stakeholders.
Clinical Trial
Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation for the management of refractory primary chronic headaches: A real-world experience.
Background Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation has initial evidence of efficacy in migraine and cluster headache. However, little is known about its role in the management of refractory chronic headaches. Methods We evaluated the preventive and abortive effects of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation in 41 consecutive patients with refractory primary chronic headaches in an open-label prospective clinical audit. ⋯ Two chronic migraine patients were able to reduce the pain severity of moderate migraines with non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation. Conclusion Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation may not constitute an effective acute nor preventive treatment in refractory chronic primary headaches. The encouraging effect in hemicrania continua warrants further evaluation in larger studies.
Objectives To explore the validity of the roller pressure algometer as a new tool for evaluating dynamic pressure sensitivity by assessing its association with pain features and widespread pressure pain sensitivity in migraine women, and also to determine whether dynamic pressure algometry differentiates between episodic and chronic migraine. Methods One hundred and twenty women with migraine (42% chronic, 58% episodic) participated. Dynamic pressure sensitivity was assessed with a set of roller pressure algometers (Aalborg University, Denmark®) consisting of 11 rollers with fixed pressure levels from 500 to 5300 g. ⋯ Conclusions Roller pressure algometry was valid for assessing dynamic pressure sensitivity in migraine in the trigeminal area and is consistent with widespread static pressure pain sensitivity. Roller, but not static, pressure algometry differentiated between episodic and chronic migraine. Assessing static and dynamic deep somatic tissue sensitivity may provide new opportunities for evaluating treatment outcomes.
Background and objectives The prevalence of pain syndromes that affect the territories innervated by the trigeminal nerve, such as headaches, is one of the highest and ranks second only to low back pain. A potential mechanism underlying this high prevalence may be a relatively weak endogenous pain modulation of trigeminal pain. Here, we sought to systematically compare endogenous pain modulation capabilities in the trigeminal region to those of extra-trigeminal regions in healthy subjects. ⋯ TSP magnitude was not different between the different body regions tested. Conclusions Our findings point to regional differences in endogenous pain inhibition and suggest that in otherwise healthy individuals, the trigeminal innervation is subjected to a weaker inhibitory pain control than other body regions. Such weaker endogenous pain control could play, at least in part, a role in mediating the high prevalence of trigeminal-related pain syndromes, including primary headaches and TMD pain.