Critical care nurse
Critical care nurse · Jun 2024
ReviewA Review of Chlorhexidine Oral Care in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation.
Chlorhexidine gluconate has been considered the criterion standard of oral care for patients receiving mechanical ventilation because of its ability to reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated events. Optimal concentrations and frequencies remain unclear, as do adverse events related to mortality in various intensive care unit populations. ⋯ The evidence regarding the efficacy of chlorhexidine gluconate oral care in reducing ventilator-associated events in specific intensive care unit populations is contradictory. Recently published guidelines recommend de-implementation of chlorhexidine gluconate oral care in all patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Such care may be beneficial only in the cardiac surgical population.
Critical care nurse · Jun 2024
Simulation Training for Emergency Sternotomy in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit.
Emergency resternotomy in the intensive care unit for a patient who has undergone cardiac surgery can be daunting for surgeons and critical care staff. Clinicians involved are often unfamiliar with the surgical instruments and techniques needed. ⋯ Results of this quality improvement project suggest that simulation training improves staff comfort with and understanding of emergency resternotomy.
Critical care nurse · Jun 2024
ReviewRapid Nurse Training to Meet Surge Capacity: An Integrative Review.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unprecedented health care challenges and transformation of nursing practice. A significant challenge faced by health care systems was the rapid identification and training of nurses in various specialties, including critical care, to care for a large influx of critically ill patients. ⋯ Rapidly training registered nurses to care for critically ill patients in a team-based dynamic is a safe and effective course of action to mitigate staff shortages if another pandemic occurs.
Critical care nurse · Jun 2024
Implementing a Preoperative Anemia Optimization Protocol for Cardiovascular Surgery Patients: A Quality Improvement Project.
Patients with anemia have poorer outcomes following cardiac surgery than do those without anemia. To improve outcomes, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery cardiac recommendations include optimizing patients' condition, including treating anemia, before surgery. ⋯ Preoperative anemia is associated with poorer cardiac surgical outcomes. Incorporating the anemia optimization protocol into practice may mitigate the risk of postoperative complications for patients with anemia. Continued use of the protocol is recommended.