Clinical rheumatology
Clinical rheumatology · Apr 2016
Neck muscle function in violinists/violists with and without neck pain.
Neck pain is associated with changes in neuromuscular control of cervical muscles. Violin and viola playing requires good function of the flexor muscles to stabilize the instrument. This study investigated the flexor muscle behaviour in violin/viola players with and without neck pain using the craniocervical flexion test (CCFT). ⋯ Activity of the sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM) was measured with surface electromyography (EMG) during the CCFT. Violin/viola players with neck pain displayed greater normalised SCM EMG amplitudes during CCFT than the pain-free musicians and non-musicians (P < 0.05). Playing-related neck pain in violinists/violists is associated with altered behaviour of the superficial neck flexor muscles consistent with neck pain, despite the specific use of the deep and superficial neck flexors during violin playing.
Clinical rheumatology · Apr 2016
A pilot evaluation of Arthritis Self-Management Program by lay leaders in patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis in Hong Kong.
The objectives of this paper are to evaluate the efficacy of a community-based lay-led Arthritis Self-Management Program (ASMP) among patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis and evaluate the effectiveness of "shared care collaboration" between hospital and community. We trained 17 lay leaders and recruited patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis via a new shared-care model between hospital rheumatology centers and community organizations. Participants were allocated to interventional group or a wait list control group. ⋯ The interventional group had a trend of improvement in self-efficacy, fatigue, self-rated health, and health distress. A community-based lay-led ASMP showed positive beneficial effects on participants with chronic inflammatory arthritis. Shared-care collaboration between hospitals, community organizations, and patient self-help groups was demonstrated.
Clinical rheumatology · Apr 2016
Randomized Controlled TrialPharmacokinetic properties of low-dose SoluMatrix meloxicam in healthy adults.
SoluMatrix® meloxicam has been developed using SoluMatrix Fine Particle Technology™ to produce a meloxicam drug product with enhanced absorption properties to enable treatment at lower doses than available oral meloxicam drug products. This follows recognition of serious dose-dependent adverse events (AEs) associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including meloxicam. This study investigated the pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of SoluMatrix meloxicam 5-mg (fasting conditions) and 10-mg capsules (fasting and fed conditions) and compared SoluMatrix meloxicam 10-mg capsules with meloxicam 15-mg tablets under fasting conditions. ⋯ The median time to maximum plasma meloxicam levels occurred earlier following SoluMatrix meloxicam 5 mg (2.0 h) and 10 mg (2.0 h) administration vs meloxicam 15-mg tablets (4.0 h). Few study-medication-related AEs were reported. SoluMatrix meloxicam 10 mg was more rapidly absorbed and associated with a lower overall exposure compared with meloxicam 15-mg tablets in this study in healthy adults under fasting conditions.
Clinical rheumatology · Apr 2016
Transitional care in clinical networks for young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: current situation and challenges.
Clinical networks for paediatric and adolescent rheumatology are evolving, and their effect and role in the transition process between paediatric and adult services are unknown. We therefore explored the experiences of those involved to try and understand this further. Health professionals, young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and their families were recruited via five national health service paediatric and adolescent rheumatology specialist centres and networks across the UK. ⋯ There is a call from within the sector for more protected time, staff and resources to develop transition roles and services, as well as streamlining of local referral pathways between paediatric and adult healthcare services. In addition, there is a need to support professionals in developing their understanding of transitional care in clinical networks, particularly around service design, organisational change and the interpersonal skills required for collaborative working. Key messages • Transitional care in clinical networks requires collaborative working and an effective interface with paediatric and adult rheumatology.• Professional centrism and historic encounters may affect collaborative relationships within clinical networks.• Education programmes need to support the development of interpersonal skills and change management, to facilitate professionals in networks delivering transitional care.