Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale
In paediatric patients, recurrent febrile pharyngo-tonsillitis is usually due to chronic inflammation of the tonsils and/or adenoids: these episodes are often associated with other clinical manifestations (respiratory obstruction of naso-pharyngeal origin; auricular inflammation, especially effusive otitis media and acute otitis media; streptococcal beta-haemolytic Group A (SBEGA) infection, causing a distant disorder of varying severity and which may, therefore, give rise to serious pathological conditions). A retrospective multicentric investigation has, therefore, been carried out in order not only to further elaborate findings emerging from earlier studies, performed in other countries, in which random methods were used, but also to focus on: 1. the possible association of these clinical manifestations with recurrent febrile pharyngo-tonsillar inflammation in relation to frequency of the condition; 2. results obtained with adenoidectomy or with adeno-tonsillectomy, referring to the overall clinical outcome of the pathological condition, bearing in mind data emerging from the control groups, submitted to strict follow-up, associated with any medical treatment deemed necessary. ⋯ The present investigations confirm previous observations emerging from randomized clinical studies, regarding the possibility to achieve valid prevention of recurrent febrile pharyngo-tonsillar inflammation, also in a large percentage of control patients submitted to watchful waiting; these investigations, however, also demonstrated that, in the control group, the percentage of subjects in whom recovery of other symptoms was achieved was very low compared to that in the groups submitted to surgery. In other words, clearly emerges as far as concerns the overall symptomatological picture of the patients, the efficacy of the surgical treatment, but also the lack of success of the medical treatments in all clinical manifestations associated with recurrent febrile inflammations. Therefore, it is necessary to select and advise the most suitable treatment strategy, not in relation to the Guidelines elaborated on the basis of results emerging from statistical research, that, due to the intrinsic methodology limits cannot be applied to all cases in an acritical fashion, but in relationship to the specific clinical picture of each individual patient.