Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2014
Observational Study[Impact of a program designed to improve continuous renal replacement therapy stability.]
During continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), circuit clotting increases nursing workload, cost of the therapy and blood loss. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a program designed to improve CRRT stability on unexpected circuit clotting. ⋯ Our program designed to improve CRRT stability reduced filter losses by reducing unexpected circuit clotting.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2014
Editorial Historical Article[Law on anesthesia safety in France: 20 years after.]
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2014
Case Reports[Postoperative dissection of the vertebral artery in two steps.]
The diagnosis of perioperative vertebral artery dissection can be difficult because of non-specific clinical signs. We report a case revealed by a tegmento-thalamic stroke after an abdominal second surgical look. ⋯ We discuss here the different factors possibly involved in the pathophysiology of postoperative vertebral artery dissection: positioning, cervical manipulation, subclavian central venous access and cisplatin toxicity. Vertebral artery dissection should be discussed in case of postoperative neck pain, especially with non-typical symptomatology.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2014
[Necrotizing fasciitis: Results of a survey on management practices in French-speaking intensive care units.]
Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) are rare and severe soft tissue infections associated with a high mortality rate. In order to assess the management of NF in French-speaking intensive care units (ICUs), we conducted a survey endorsed by the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SFAR). ⋯ This survey illustrates the heterogeneous management of NF in French-speaking ICUs and points out several logistical aspects that should be improved to reduce the time to the first surgical debridement.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2014
Review[Decree of anaesthesia of 1994, day surgery and medical responsibility: Necessary reflections on the inevitable conciliation between regulations and recommendations.]
Day surgery is often considered as a marker of the necessity of reorganizing the hospital to take care globally and so better meet the expectations of improvement of the management of patients. But the actual deployment of day surgery can also act as a real revelation of the stakes of conciliation between the regulations, which supervise professional practices and organization, and the functioning of hospitals. Between the regulations supervising hospitals and professional practices and the place of the recommendations, between the general legal framework of the medical activity and specific legal framework (decree of anesthesia of 1994) and the Evidence-Based Medicine, the pretext of the improvement of the patient flow in day surgery, recommended by several institutions (Sfar, ANAP, HAS), questions about the legal obligation of the passage of all the patients in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). ⋯ There is a real brake in the deployment of the day surgery because the strict respect for the decree of 94 on the systematic passage in PACU can be paradoxical with a better quality of the care. Twenty years after the publication of the decree of anesthesia, it seems essential to ask at first if it's possible to fast-track discharge without any stay in the PACU and thus of the inevitable conciliation between all these measures. Secondly it's necessary of modifying this decree to impulse the deployment of the day surgery.