Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2001
Case Reports[Acute pulmonary edema from inhalation of the bite-block after anesthesia with a laryngeal mask].
We report a case of acute pulmonary oedema, consecutive to upper airway obstruction due to the inhalation of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) bite block during recovery. The LMA was used for general anaesthesia with the bite-block provided in France. No trouble occurred during LMA insertion and anaesthesia. Symptomatic treatment provided complete resolution within a few days.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2001
Case Reports[Severe metabolic alkalosis following hypokalemia from a paraneoplastic Cushing syndrome].
Metabolic alkalosis is frequently observed in critically ill patients. Etiologies are numerous but endocrinal causes are rare. ⋯ Further explorations revealed an ectopic Adrenocorticotropine Hormone syndrome. The initial tumor was probably a small cell lung carcinoma.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2001
[Factors associated with refusal of organ donation in France from 1996 to 1999].
The demand for organ transplantation exceeds organ donation in France and refusal to organ donation remains close to 30%. This study analysed risk factors associated with refusal of organ donation. ⋯ The risk factors described should be taking into account when family's members are approached for donation. They represent the interactions between the history of the donors, harvesting organisation, and sociocultural factors.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Dec 2001
Case Reports[Traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus revealed by a mesenteric infarct].
The traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus is one of the worst complication due to high speed motor vehicle accidents. When death is not the immediate consequence of this lesion, the initial clinical signs are not very clear. ⋯ A traumatic aortic rupture was actually diagnosed after the unusual discovery of a mesenteric infarct. In this case report, the mesenteric infarct mechanism can be controversed, and an emphasis should be put on an early aortic lesion diagnosis and repair in order to avoid any ischaemic complications.