Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jun 2009
Case Reports[Paradoxal gazous embolism in hepatic trauma. Contribution of hyperbaric oxygenotherapy].
A young man was admitted for a polytraumatism associating head trauma and blunt abdominal trauma with hepatic injury. He was managed with a damage control surgery with a perihepatic packing. During the second look surgery, he developed a paradoxal gazous embolism by air aspiration in the sus-hepatic vein. ⋯ The patient presented a respiratory distress, a circulatory shock due to right infarction and an intracranial hypertension with bilateral mydriasis. He was immediately treated by hyperbaric oxygenotherapy. The evolution was good and he recovered without sequelae.