Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
This is the case report of a 16-year-old male who suffered major facial trauma in a road traffic accident (unhelmeted scooter rider against signpost). During prehospital care, he was stable and awake. ⋯ This allowed rapid restoration of adequate ventilation and tracheostomy was performed under standard conditions without further problems. This case report confirms the superiority of orotracheal intubation under light sedation over emergent tracheostomy in this type of situation, as stated under the SFAR guidelines.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jun 2011
[Check-list "Patient Safety" in the operating room: one year experience of 40,000 surgical procedures at the university hospital of Nice].
The implementation of the check-list "Safe surgery saves live" (CL) has proven effective to reduce morbidity and perioperative mortality. Since 1st January 2010 it is a requirement of the HAS as part of the process of certification of hospitals. The CL has been established on all the operating rooms of our hospital after the onset of a near accident. ⋯ The CL is involved in developing a safety culture in the operating room and led to the establishment of a risk mapping in the operating room and the recovery room and participation in the program error prevention procedure and surgical site through international program "High 5s" whose purpose is to improve the safety of care.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jun 2011
Case Reports[Infections complicating femoral nerve catheter for postoperative analgesia: about two cases].
The process of inserting a perineural catheter on femoral region for a regional anesthesia is quite common amongst hospital practices. The resulting infectious complications, although rare, remain potentially serious. ⋯ In this paper, we will be presenting two cases of infections that were under serious investigation and led to major improvements of practice in the related hospitals. At the same time, we will give a reminder of good practices in inserting perineural catheters.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jun 2011
[Implementation strategy of the HAS French surgical check-list in a university hospital].
The check-list (CL) "Safety in Operating Room" has been introduced in our teaching hospital since 2009, associated to a "Quality and Prevention of Risks" program. This introduction was carried out over two distinct phases. The first one was a pilot start including five OR, allowing us to draw firm recommendations on the best way to perform the introduction, followed by a generalization to the other operating room (OR). ⋯ Indeed, the 10 items of the OR should be thought as the last check before the no-return point, which should be shared by anyone in the OR. If these conditions were fulfilled, the CL could be viewed as an actual improvement of safety in the OR. Otherwise, CL is just a supplementary form.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jun 2011
[One year implemention of the safe surgery checklist in France, what has been achieved so far, what could be improved?].
Despite important advances accomplished during the last ten years, patient safety in the OR remains a subject high on everyone's priority list: healthcare professionals, organisations and of course, patients. In this setting, the French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorité de santé, HAS) conducted a study with the scientific societies of professionals working in the OR. ⋯ Additionally, the organisations receive HAS certification are partners for the programme's promotion. One year after its institution, HAS is undertaking its first evaluation of the lessons and perspectives from the checklist's utilisation.