Statistics in medicine
Statistics in medicine · Jul 2001
A generalized concordance correlation coefficient for continuous and categorical data.
This paper discusses a generalized version of the concordance correlation coefficient for agreement data. The concordance correlation coefficient evaluates the accuracy and precision between two measures, and is based on the expected value of the squared function of distance. ⋯ We also introduce a stratified concordance correlation coefficient which adjusts for explanatory factors, and an extended concordance correlation coefficient which measures agreement among more than two responses. With these extensions, the generalized concordance correlation coefficient provides a unifying approach to assessing agreement among two or more measures that are either continuous or categorical in scale.
Statistics in medicine · Jul 2001
Group sequential test strategies for superiority and non-inferiority hypotheses in active controlled clinical trials.
In a group sequential active controlled clinical trial, the study hypothesis may be a superiority hypothesis that an experimental treatment is more effective than the active control therapy or a non-inferiority hypothesis that the treatment is no worse than the active control within some non-inferiority range. When it is necessary to plan for testing the superiority and the non-inferiority hypotheses, we propose an adaptive group sequential closed test strategy by which the sample size is planned for testing superiority and is to be increased for showing non-inferiority given that it is deemed more plausible than superiority based on the observed sample path during the course of the trial. The proposed adaptive test strategy is valid in terms of having the type I error probability maintained at the targeted alpha level for both superiority and non-inferiority. It has power advantage or sample size saving over the traditional group sequential test designed for testing either superiority only or non-inferiority only.