Statistics in medicine
Statistics in medicine · Sep 2017
Comparative StudyModeling event count data in the presence of informative dropout with application to bleeding and transfusion events in myelodysplastic syndrome.
In many biomedical studies, it is often of interest to model event count data over the study period. For some patients, we may not follow up them for the entire study period owing to informative dropout. The dropout time can potentially provide valuable insight on the rate of the events. ⋯ Extensive simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed methods perform well in practice. We illustrate the proposed methods through an application to a clinical trial for bleeding and transfusion events in myelodysplastic syndrome. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Statistics in medicine · Sep 2017
Semiparametric regression analysis of failure time data with dependent interval censoring.
Interval-censored failure-time data arise when subjects are examined or observed periodically such that the failure time of interest is not examined exactly but only known to be bracketed between two adjacent observation times. The commonly used approaches assume that the examination times and the failure time are independent or conditionally independent given covariates. In many practical applications, patients who are already in poor health or have a weak immune system before treatment usually tend to visit physicians more often after treatment than those with better health or immune system. ⋯ We propose a semiparametric maximum likelihood approach for estimating model parameters and show the asymptotic properties, including consistency and weak convergence. Extensive simulation studies are conducted and a data set of bladder cancer is analyzed for illustrative purposes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Statistics in medicine · Sep 2017
Information criteria for Firth's penalized partial likelihood approach in Cox regression models.
In the estimation of Cox regression models, maximum partial likelihood estimates might be infinite in a monotone likelihood setting, where partial likelihood converges to a finite value and parameter estimates converge to infinite values. To address monotone likelihood, previous studies have applied Firth's bias correction method to Cox regression models. However, while the model selection criteria for Firth's penalized partial likelihood approach have not yet been studied, a heuristic AIC-type information criterion can be used in a statistical package. ⋯ Further, the presented simulation results confirm that the proposed criteria performed well in a monotone likelihood setting. The proposed AIC-type criterion was applied to prospective observational study data. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.