Emergency medicine clinics of North America
Whether in the prehospital setting or in the Emergency Department, the emergency physician is usually the first care-giver to the burned elderly patient. Though the predominance of care over the long-term is by burn specialists, attention to the details of resuscitation and stabilization by the emergency physician in the initial stages has a vital role in the overall scheme of care.
Psychiatric disorders are best managed by interdisciplinary teams of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, and psychologists. Some Emergency Departments have access to such psychiatric services either in the hospital or in associated clinics or community mental health centers. Unfortunately, many are not staffed with mental health professionals or such expertise is available only on a limited basis, particularly on evenings and weekends. ⋯ We have reviewed the format for conducting a psychiatric history and mental status examination and have discussed the most common emergency psychiatric disorders of the elderly and their management in the Emergency Department. In order to assess and treat elderly psychiatric patients properly, emergency personnel must be aware of the medical disorders associated with psychiatric illness and must be prepared to initiate treatment quickly and appropriately. For most patients, emergency intervention is the first step in ensuring that a correct diagnosis is made and that ongoing psychiatric treatment is arranged through timely consultation and referral.
An examination of the social concerns of the elderly reinforces the importance of a thorough social assessment and the availability of skilled staff in an Emergency Department to make appropriate community referrals. The resolution of disposition problems brought about through caregiver exhaustion, patients no longer able to care for themselves in the community, and abandonment by individuals and institutions require a complex array of skills. The serious problem of drug and alcohol abuse among the elderly must be recognized by Emergency Department staff. ⋯ Communities with a geriatric treatment center provide a valuable resource for patients identified through Emergency Department visits. The Emergency Department must play an active role in assisting hospitals, area agencies on aging, and other concerned members of the community plan programs for elderly patients with physical and social concerns. While these changes are implemented, the Emergency Department will continue to remain responsive to the social concerns of the elderly through deliberate organizational efforts designed to maintain a high quality of care for elderly patients.
The bones of elderly individuals fracture easily. The fractures in osteoporotic bones may not be easily identified on plain films. A high level of suspicion will result in more accurate diagnosis and appropriate referral and treatment of these patients.
Delirium, an acute confusional state, is an organic brain syndrome that manifests deficits in attention, irrelevant or rambling speech, and other cognitive deficits. Its symptoms often fluctuate over the course of the day, and patients may be hyperactive--for example, restless and screaming--or hypoactive--for example, quiet, inactive, and stuporous. Occurring in approximately 20% of hospitalized elderly patients, delirium is the most common psychiatric syndrome in acutely ill general medical and surgical patients. ⋯ In all patients, it is important (1) to treat the underlying acute illness, (2) to provide appropriate fluid and electrolytes, (3) to discontinue any unnecessary drugs, and (4) to allay the patient's fear and agitation through the use of simple, repetitive instructions, orientation cues, and by limiting the use of physical restraints. If psychotropic medications are needed to treat psychotic symptoms, to prevent patients from harming themselves or others, or to facilitate necessary diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, then haloperidol is the drug of choice in most instances. Drugs with anticholinergic properties should be avoided.