Emergency medicine clinics of North America
Emerg. Med. Clin. North Am. · Nov 2010
ReviewManagement and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries.
Orthopedic injuries to the upper extremity are frequently seen in the emergency department (ED). The emergency medicine practitioner must be proficient in recognizing these injuries and their associated complications, and be able to provide appropriate orthopedic management. This article highlights the most frequent forearm and elbow injuries seen in the ED.
The practice of wound care has greatly improved and evolved over the years. The emergency provider (EP) can choose from a wide variety of sutures, adhesives, strips, and surgical staples, and uses proven wound closure techniques to address this common Emergency Department (ED) patient complaint. ⋯ EPs should follow a standard examination and ensure that there is no damage to underlying structures (ie, nerves, tendons, and vasculature), and that foreign bodies are meticulously looked for and removed if found. Discharge instructions that alert the patient on warning signs of infection, and having all patients return within 48hours for a wound check are 2 ways to optimize patients' outcomes.
Emerg. Med. Clin. North Am. · Nov 2010
ReviewEvaluation and management of acute cervical spine trauma.
The evaluation and management of cervical spine injuries is a core component of the practice of emergency medicine. This article focuses on evaluation and management of blunt cervical spine trauma by the emergency physician. Pertinent anatomy of the cervical spine and specific cervical spine fractures are discussed, with an emphasis on unstable injuries and associated spinal cord pathology. ⋯ Initial considerations in the emergency department, including cervical spine stabilization and airway management, are reviewed. The most current recommendations for cervical spine imaging with regard to indications and modalities are covered. Finally, emergency department management and disposition of patients with spinal cord injuries are reviewed.
The management of pelvic fractures and hip injuries requires a multidisciplinary approach and begins in the prehospital setting. With the current advances in various investigative modalities along with the use of algorithms, the morbidity and mortality from these injuries has improved. This review discusses an outline of the current recommendations along with treatment strategies and options in the emergency department, which may vary from institution to institution based on the availability of expertise and resources and because no two trauma patients are alike with regard to the pathophysiology and injury patterns.