Emergency medicine clinics of North America
Respiratory acid-base disorders are often not thought of as frequently as their metabolic cousins, which occur more frequently in the emergency department. Although most respiratory and acid-base disturbances are driven by lung pathology, central nervous system and other organ systems can and do play a role as well. Although managing the airway and appropriate mechanical ventilation may be necessary, it is akin to placing a band-aid on a large wound. It is crucial for the emergency clinician to discover the etiology of the disturbance as management depends on treating the underlying etiology to prevent worsening acid-base status.
Metabolic acid-base disturbances are frequently encountered in the emergency department, and many of these patients are critically ill. In the evaluation of patients with these maladies, it is important for the emergency clinician to determine the cause, which can usually be elicited from a thorough history and physical examination. There are several mnemonics that can be used to form an appropriate list of potential causes. Most of the time, the management of these patients requires no specific treatment of the acid-base status but, rather, requires treatment of the underlying disorder that is causing the acid-base disturbance.
The adrenal glands drive physiologic homeostasis, with dysregulation in any direction causing multisystem dysfunction. Adrenal excess states include hyperaldosteronism which manifests with refractory hypertension and electrolyte abnormalities including hypernatremia and hypokalemia. Paragangliomas including pheochromocytoma can cause multisystem end-organ dysfunction due to catecholaminergic storm, which require rapid blood pressure control with phentolamine and identification of lesions amenable to surgical resection. Adrenal insufficiency states in contrast can result in hypotension and decompensation refractory to vasopressor administration, requiring adrenal supplementation via hydrocortisone.
Abnormalities in serum potassium are commonly encountered in patients presenting to the emergency department. A variety of acute and chronic causes can lead to life-threatening illness in both hyperkalemia and hypokalemia. Here we summarize the relevant causes, risks, and treatment options for these frequently encountered disorders.
Endocrine diseases are rare and can present very subtly in the neonatal period. Most are diagnosed using newborn screening in the United States; however, some infants may present with false negatives or more subtle findings. Endocrine etiologies should be considered during the management of critically ill infants. This article will give an overview of endocrine emergencies encountered in the neonatal period, including disorders of glucose metabolism, thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, and pituitary disorders.