Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc
Radiation exposure from computed tomography (CT) has received much attention lately in the medical literature and the media, given the relatively high radiation dose that characterizes a CT examination. Although there are a variety of possible strategies for reducing radiation exposure from CT in an individual patient, optimal CT image acquisition requires that the radiologist understand new scanner technology and how to implement the most effective means of dose reduction while maintaining image quality. ⋯ These variables are discussed in terms of their relative importance to image quality and the implications of parametric changes for image quality and diagnostic content, and practical recommendations are made for their immediate implementation in the clinical setting. Taken together, the principles of physics and key parameters involved in reducing radiation dose while maintaining image quality can serve as a "survival guide" for a diagnostic radiology practice.
A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is defined as a round opacity that is smaller than 3 cm. It may be solid or subsolid in attenuation. Semisolid nodules may have purely ground-glass attenuation or be partly solid (mixed solid and ground-glass attenuation). ⋯ CT enhancement studies are not applicable for subsolid nodules, and PET is of limited utility because of the low metabolic activity of these lesions. Because of the likelihood that persistent subsolid nodules represent adenocarcinoma with indolent growth, serial imaging reassessment for a minimum of 3 years and/or obtaining tissue samples for histologic analysis are recommended. In the follow-up of subsolid SPNs, imaging features that indicate an increased risk for malignancy include an increase in size, an increase in attenuation, and development of a solid component.