Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba · Jan 2002
[Preliminary evaluation of a treatment protocol for total hip arthroplasty].
The hip arthrosis is a degenerative joint disease occurring mainly in the elderly patients, a recently growing population. Rational measures are needed to better carry out the surgical procedures and to reduce cost for the health system, since almost two thirds of the costs are due to the admission period. Therefore, a global, multidisciplinary assistance program for total hip arthroplasty (THAAP), including ambulatory appointments and programmed home care by a nursing team, was established to guide patients and their relatives for the procedure. ⋯ All patients in group 2 left bed on the fourth POD. In conclusion, the present protocol demonstrated to be feasible, team adherence was adequate and resulted in a reduced admission period. The progress of the program shall determine its efficacy and the feasibility of programmed nursing home care.