Health affairs
Health care expenditures on the elderly tend to grow about 4 percent per year more rapidly than the gross domestic product (GDP). This could plunge the nation into a severe economic and social crisis within two decades. ⋯ It also explores the potential for the elderly to pay for additional care through increases in work and savings. Efforts to "save Medicare" will prove to be "too little, too late" unless they are embedded in broader policy initiatives that slow the rate of growth of health care spending and/or increase the income of the elderly.
Medicare coverage falls short of its original mandate of access to modern medicine and protection against the high costs of medical care. These shortfalls destabilize both health outcomes and the economic viability of older adults and their families. Our proposed revisions would promote, rather than discourage, optimal care for beneficiaries. By replacing incentives for fragmented, episodic care with an orientation toward functional status, care management, and integration with long-term care, we can make an invaluable investment in a successfully aging society.
Although future Medicare costs are highly uncertain, reasonable projections of those costs suggest a major financing problem. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 will provide temporary relief, although it introduced some new problems, including its geographic adjustment of Medicare+Choice rates. For the future we propose a premium-support system and an expanded benefits package. Such a system would provide a more flexible means to adjust the division of the financing burden between the elderly and the nonelderly, potentially gain some efficiencies from greater price competition and less reliance on administered pricing, and partly address the issue of uninsured early retirees.