Health affairs
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Four States With Robust Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Reduced Opioid Dosages.
State prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) aim to reduce risky controlled-substance prescribing, but early programs had limited impact. Several states implemented robust features in 2012-13, such as mandates that prescribers register with the program and regularly check its registry database. Some states allow prescribers to fulfill the latter requirement by designating delegates to check the registry. ⋯ By the end of 2014 the absolute mean morphine-equivalent dosages that providers dispensed declined in a range of 6-77 mg per person per quarter in the four states, relative to comparison states. Only in one of the four states, Kentucky, did the percentage of people who filled opioid prescriptions decline versus its comparator state, with an absolute reduction of 1.6 percent by the end of 2014. Robust PDMPs may be able to significantly reduce opioid dosages dispensed, percentages of patients receiving opioids, and high-risk prescribing.
Comparative Study
Rural And Nonrural Primary Care Physician Practices Increasingly Rely On Nurse Practitioners.
The use of nurse practitioners (NPs) in primary care is one way to address growing patient demand and improve care delivery. However, little is known about trends in NP presence in primary care practices, or about how state policies such as scope-of-practice laws and expansion of eligibility for Medicaid may encourage or inhibit the use of NPs. We found increasing NP presence in both rural and nonrural primary care practices in the period 2008-16. ⋯ States with full scope-of-practice laws had the highest NP presence, but the fastest growth occurred in states with reduced and restricted scopes of practice. State Medicaid expansion status was not associated with greater NP presence. Overall, primary care practices are embracing interdisciplinary provider configurations, and including NPs as providers can strengthen health care delivery.
Comparative Study
Frequent Emergency Department Users: A Statewide Comparison Before And After Affordable Care Act Implementation.
Frequent emergency department (ED) use often serves as a marker for poor access to non-ED ambulatory care. Policy makers and providers hoped that by expanding coverage, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would curtail frequent ED use. We used data from California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to compare the characteristics of frequent ED users among nonelderly adults in California before and after implementation of several major coverage expansion provisions in the ACA. ⋯ Uninsured patients were also less likely to be frequent users post ACA, while privately insured patients experienced little change. The largest predictors of frequent ED use included having a diagnosis of a mental health condition or a substance use disorder. Interventions to address frequent ED use must involve Medicaid managed care plans, given that more than two-thirds of frequent ED users post ACA have Medicaid as their primary coverage source.
Comparative Study
The Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative: Effects On Spending, Quality, Patients, And Physicians.
The Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (CPC), a health care delivery model developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), tested whether multipayer support of 502 primary care practices across the country would improve primary care delivery, improve care quality, or reduce spending. We evaluated the initiative's effects on care delivery and outcomes for fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries attributed to initiative practices, relative to those attributed to matched comparison practices. ⋯ However, it did not reduce Medicare spending enough to cover care management fees or appreciably improve physician or beneficiary experience or practice performance on a limited set of Medicare claims-based quality measures. As CMS and other payers increasingly use alternative payment models that reward quality and value, CPC provides important lessons about supporting practices in transforming care.