Ultraschall in der Medizin : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in Medizin und Biologie
A 21 year-old woman presented with an encapsulated mass involving the right ovary, tube and caecum. On transvaginal sonography a 15 mm-target structure was surrounded by irregular, echo-poor formations suggestive of an inflamed appendix and a perityphlitic abscess. Transvaginal sonography is of diagnostic value in differentiating an appendiceal abscess from a right-sided tubo-ovarian abscess.
Case Reports
[Adnexal torsion with hemorrhagic infarct in early pregnancy. Diagnosis by color-coded vaginal Doppler sonography].
A 25 year-old woman presented with left lower quadrant pain in the 11th week of gestation. Transvaginal sonography showed a 7 x 8 x 5 cm cystic-solid mass with an adjacent 9 mm echogenic structure on the left side corresponding to the adnexal stalk. ⋯ Laparoscopic detorsion of the left adnexa was not followed by restoration of perfusion ad a left adnexectomy was performed. Transvaginal color Doppler sonography is useful for preoperative diagnosis of adnexal torsion.
To evaluate sonography as a tool for initial diagnosis in emergency room patients with abdominal trauma. ⋯ Sonography is a well-tested diagnostic method in evaluating patients with abdominal trauma. Follow-up examinations-even with negative initial results-are needed. While the time interval between evaluations depends on the individual risk factors, hourly reevaluation is generally appropriate.