Family medicine
Burnout is a challenge for all of us. Many of us experience burnout and know the toll it can take on our health and well-being. This editorial focuses on the experiences of women physicians and learners by highlighting the lived experience of one woman physician, briefly examining the extensive research into women physicians' practice, and identifying solutions that all genders can leverage to support women physicians and learners.
Improving training and confirming the acquisition of gynecological procedure skills for family physicians (FPs) is crucial for safe health care delivery. The objectives of this study were to (a) develop performance rating instruments for four gynecological procedures, and (b) pilot them to provide preliminary validity evidence using modern validity theory. ⋯ We developed novel performance rating instruments for four gynecological procedures and provided preliminary validity evidence for their use for formative feedback in a simulation setting. This pilot study suggests that these instruments may facilitate the training and documentation of family medicine trainees' skills in gynecological procedures.