Journal of hypertension
Journal of hypertension · Dec 2014
Meta AnalysisEffects of continuous positive airway pressure on blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea: a meta-analysis.
To systematically analyze the studies that have examined the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on blood pressure (BP) in patients with resistant hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). ⋯ The pooled estimate shows a favorable reduction of BP with CPAP treatment in patients with resistant hypertension and OSA. The effects sizes are larger than those previously reported in patients with OSA without resistant hypertension.
Journal of hypertension · Dec 2014
Review Meta AnalysisEffects of blood pressure lowering on outcome incidence in hypertension: 2. Effects at different baseline and achieved blood pressure levels--overview and meta-analyses of randomized trials.
Relevant clinical questions not approached by randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of blood pressure (BP)-lowering treatment can be explored by meta-analyses stratified by clinical criteria. ⋯ Meta-analyses favor BP-lowering treatment even in grade 1 hypertension at low-to-moderate risk, and lowering SBP/DBP to less than 140/90 mmHg. Achieving less than 130/80 mmHg appears safe, but only adds further reduction in stroke.
Journal of hypertension · Dec 2014
Review Meta AnalysisEffects of blood pressure lowering on outcome incidence in hypertension: 3. Effects in patients at different levels of cardiovascular risk--overview and meta-analyses of randomized trials.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of blood pressure (BP) lowering lend themselves to be meta-analyzed to help providing evidence-based recommendations for hypertension treatment. ⋯ BP-lowering treatment induces greater absolute risk reductions the higher the cardiovascular risk level, but a higher risk level is also associated with higher absolute residual risk, independent of age. Whereas reserving antihypertensive treatment to high-risk hypertensive patients maximizes the cost-benefit ratio, only treatment of low-to-moderate risk hypertensive patients may prevent the increasing number of treatment failures when treatment is initiated at higher risk.
Journal of hypertension · Dec 2014
Review Meta AnalysisEffects of blood pressure lowering on outcome incidence in hypertension. 1. Overview, meta-analyses, and meta-regression analyses of randomized trials.
Antihypertensive treatment is based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) started since 1966. Meta-analyses comprehensive of all RCTs but limited to RCTs investigating blood pressure (BP) lowering in hypertensive patients are lacking. ⋯ Meta-analyses of all BP-lowering RCTs involving hypertensive patients provide precise estimates of benefits (larger for stroke and heart failure, but also significant for CHD and mortality). Absolute risk reductions are substantial. Relationships of logarithmic risk ratios with BP reductions imply risk reduction increases progressively to a smaller extent the larger the BP reduction.